Meet the One Million Strong – Traci J. From Colorado


Champion Stories
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Meet Traci

Traci Johnson, survivor
Castle Rock, Colorado

Traci's Story

I was diagnosed in 2012 with stage IV colon cancer at age 42. With no family history, this was a complete shock. I have had many ups and downs, but two-and-a-half years later, I'm alive and kicking! My cancer is still there but it is stable thanks to a combination of new and old drugs and the incredible doctors on my team.

What One Million Strong means to Traci

One Million Strong means that awareness is spreading! We are going to continue to spread the word and fight for people to get screened and to listen to their bodies!

Traci's advice

Never, ever, ever give up hope. There are so many advances being made and you never know what is around the corner. We can only hope it is a cure.