Home Blog Champion Stories Meet Ambassador Robin Hill Meet Ambassador Robin Hill March 12, 2019 • By Elizabeth@FightCRC Champion Stories Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share on Twitter Copy this URL Share via Email Robin Hill Survivor Virginia “I was diagnosed at 47. I was single, raising two teenagers on my own, in good health, and with no family history of cancer. I woke up from a colonoscopy to my doctor patting my shoulder. His only words to me: "Robin, you have a tumor in your rectum - I'm calling a surgeon. In an instant, my life was forever changed. One year later, after radiation, chemo, surgery, a temporary ileostomy, more chemo, and more surgery I was out of active treatment. It's now six years later and I am cancer free. I want more screenings for more people at no cost. I want people to know that colorectal cancer is not only treatable, but it's preventable!”