Meet the One Million Strong- Marsha Baker from California


Champion Stories
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Meet Marsha

Family Member/Friend of Patient Orange, California

Marsha's Story

My father was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer in June 2007. After a hard-fought 10-month battle, he passed away at the young age of 56. At the time, my family had no known history of colon cancer. However, my Dad had experienced long-time bowel issues, and had even undergone surgical procedures for his issues. When I found out my Dad had never received a colonoscopy, I was shocked; I assumed he had the test because of his bowel issues. Unfortunately, my Dad had only received a sigmoidoscopy at the age of 49 which did not detect the tumor. My father's tumor was determined to have been growing for ten years. When I found out that my father had never received a colonoscopy, I was angry that there was a test available that would have save his life. My family became determined to spread awareness about colorectal cancer prevention in order to prevent other families from experiencing the devastating loss caused by this preventable disease.

Marsha's Advice

We all have a voice, and our voices matter. Sharing our personal stories truly does save lives by spreading the awareness of the importance of screening.