Phase 1
Who we are
A Dose Escalation Study of AV-380 in Metastatic Cancer Patients With Cachexia
A Phase I Clinical Study of Intratumoral Injection Oncolytic Vaccinia Virus GC001 in Patient With Advanced Solid Tumors
MAQ-001 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors
HRYZ-T102 TCR-T Cell for AFP Positive Advanced HCC and Other Solid Tumors
Nous-209 Genetic Vaccine for the Treatment of Microsatellite Unstable Solid Tumors
Autologous T-cells Genetically Engineered to Express Receptors Reactive Against KRAS Mutations in Conjunction With a Vaccine Directed Against These Antigens in Participants With Metastatic Cancer
Anti-CEACAM5 ADC M9140 in Advanced Solid Tumors (PROCEADE-CRC-01)
MSLN-targeted CAR-T Cells in Solid Tumors.
Universal Dual-target NKG2D-NKp44 CAR-T Cells in Advanced Solid Tumors
An Exploratory Clinical Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Anti-CEA-CAR-T Cells Injection in Patients With CEA+ Locally Advanced and/or Metastatic Solid Tumors