Peter P. Stanich, MD



彼得-斯坦尼奇医学博士是俄亥俄州立大学韦克斯纳医学中心的胃肠病学、肝脏病学和营养学部门的胃肠病学家和副教授。他的临床重点是遗传性结肠癌综合征患者的诊断和纵向护理,并与遗传咨询师一起成为多学科专科诊所的一员。他的研究兴趣包括PTEN hamartoma肿瘤综合征、息肉病综合征和林奇综合征。他在梅奥诊所完成了他的内科住院医生,并在俄亥俄州立大学完成了他的胃肠病学研究。

"Dr. Ahnen is a great role model. I will always remember the first time I met him when I had just started my career – despite all of his work and his stature in this field, he introduced himself to me at one of our large GI conferences and discussed the research I was presenting like we were equals.  This made a huge impression on me and was so welcoming for someone just starting in this field. In the years since I realized how everyone that had worked or collaborated with him had similar feelings about him. He will be missed.” -彼得-斯坦尼奇