

Maia加入了FightCRC团队,担任FightCRC试验搜索器的首席管理员。 在自愿为该组织付出大量时间后,Maia加入了FightCRC团队,担任FightCRC试验搜索器的首席策划人。 的大部分时间都在为该组织提供志愿服务。

For more than twenty five years, she has been a book editor, working in the private and public sector. When a close friend was diagnosed with metastatic colon cancer in 2012, Maia employed her researching and critical thinking skills involved in her profession in order to help her. She became a patient advocate online, promoting patient and caregiver education about clinical trials and helping others understand the emerging field of immunotherapy for CRC on several internet forums and social media platforms.

马亚认为,将过多的信息转化为与结直肠癌实际相关的知识。 信息过载转化为知识,与结直肠癌群体实际相关。 癌症社区,是至关重要的。这有助于患者与他们的医生进行更好的信息交流 这有助于患者与医生进行更好的交流,并有助于推动该领域的发展,以便尽早获得更多的治疗。 更多的治疗方法,更快。"为了提供帮助,我利用我可能拥有的任何资源。我感到很感激 能与抗击癌症协会充满激情的团队一起工作,希望能为尽可能多的患者和家庭带来改变。 为尽可能多的患者和家庭带来改变。

She enjoys living in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with her husband, their daughter and their two dogs.