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  • Colorectal cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer death for men & women combined & it is increasing in young people. It is now the leading cause of cancer death in men under age 50 and the second in women.
  • CRC is the only cancer of the top 5 cancer killers not to have its own program. 
  • We don’t know why this is happening. We need more research to determine the cause.   
  • We are leaving good science on the table. In FY22, the DoD received 66 colorectal cancer applications. Of those, 25 were deemed “meritorious”, but only 9 applications were funded.


Asking that the House and Senate Appropriations Committees include in their FY25 Defense appropriations bills $20 million to create a Colorectal Cancer Research Program within the Department of Defense.


密苏里健康大学Jorge Gomez-Gutierrez博士的致辞


国防部国会指导医学研究计划(CDMRP)创建于90年代初,旨在 "促进生物医学研究的新方法 "和 "通过资助其他机构可能不会冒险资助的高影响、高风险和高收益项目来填补研究空白"。它被设计为对美国国家卫生研究院的一种补充,而不是竞争者。CDMRP包括30多个不同的特定疾病研究项目,包括不同类型的癌症、阿尔茨海默氏症、创伤性脑损伤等。10多年来,结直肠癌一直有资格通过同行评审癌症研究计划(PRCRP)获得资金,与其他十几种癌症竞争资金,没有战略计划来指导投资。

If it weren’t for the efforts of Fight CRC Founder, Nancy Roach and her fellow advocates, colorectal cancer wouldn’t be eligible for funding through DoD’s Peer-Reviewed Cancer Research Program. It’s a great example of the critical importance of patients having a voice at the table where research decisions are being made. Without that work, the colorectal cancer community would have missed out on millions of dollars in research funding exploring important issues such as whether environmental chemicals are associated with increased risk of CRC and whether drugs for other conditions can be used to treat CRC. It’s critical that we continue to fight for this funding to maintain the progress we’ve made.

德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校戴尔医学院肿瘤学系主任Gail Eckhardt博士,CPRIT学者,癌症项目教授和副院长,LIVESTRONG癌症研究所主任