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important colorectal cancer policy updates and chances to have your voice heard.

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Fill out the form below to become an advocate with Fight Colorectal Cancer! By doing so, you’ll receive important colorectal cancer policy updates and chances to have your voice heard.

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您与结肠直肠癌 (CRC) 有什么关系?*



加入 "冠军社区 "宣传空间

加入抗击艾滋病社区 冠军宣传空间.在 "冠军社区",您可以与其他结直肠癌倡导者联系,了解结直肠癌政策和倡导领域的最新动态。您还可以访问宣传工具和资源,如工具包、网络研讨会和社交媒体指南,帮助倡导者发挥最大影响力。




成为该计划的指导者或被指导者,由经验丰富的倡导者提供指导、提示和支持。导师可以帮助 您与您所在地区的政策制定者和其他倡导者建立联系。


儿童权利委员会还为青少年宣传员(7-17 岁)提供参与机会,包括宣传和参加宣传培训课程。


您为我们的工作增添动力。 Your gift will give more time to patients and caregivers.

您为我们的工作增添动力。 Your gift will give more time to patients and caregivers.


在社交媒体上关注 @FightCRC

For our friends with LARS who are joining us at Call-on Congress—this is for you! ✈️ 💙Beth, a ten year colorectal cancer survivor, shares her must-bring products as a person living with LARS. Whether you’re headed to D.C. or somewhere else, these essentials will help make your journey more comfortable.What are your travel essentials?
Amy noticed blood in her stool and scheduled a colonoscopy. When the doctor found a lesion, she didn’t fully understand what that meant. She went home, read through the paperwork, and saw ‘malignant tumor’—a terrifying realization. Then the nurse called to say the doctor was certain it was cancer, though they weren’t sure about the stage yet. The nurse explained that next steps included an MRI, CT scans, and more—overwhelming details coming all at once. Thrown into the world of cancer with little preparation, Amy was left feeling uncertain and afraid. Fight CRC is here to help patients like Amy, with patient resources available on our website to guide them every step of the way through a cancer diagnosis. 💙
Big news! The @whitehouse has officially declared March 2025 as National #ColorectalCancerAwarenessMonth in a Presidential Message! A huge thank you to the 33 organizations who joined us in advocating for this recognition!@acscan, @amergastroassn, @asgeendoscopy, @amsurg_asc, @blackingastro, @cancercareus, @colorectalcanceralliance, @coloncancerpreventionproject, @cga_igc, @crcequity, @colonstars, @colontown, @facingourrisk, @ga.core, @wunderglo, @_theghf, @hittingcancerbelowthebelt, @nebcancer, @cancerwolves, @cancersurvivorship, @nccnorg, @georgetownuniversity
"I fight for my son's generation and others facing CRC. This treatable, screenable, and preventable disease needs to be talked about more, researched more, and funded more so my son’s generation does not face the #2 cancer killer." - Laken Dilday (@Lakendilday), 2025 Ambassador. Continue reading Laken's story ⬇️At 4 months pregnant, my mother, Skylee Tinker (@Skytink), was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer. At first, we were told it was going to be just surgery to remove part of her colon; things quickly escalated to her doing 12 rounds of chemo. My husband and I had to face the reality of CRC could affect our son and that’s when I started advocating. I joined @Coxhealth's Colorectal Awareness Board as well as applying to Call-on Congress. Every CRC related event we have been apart of, has not only healed me, but also my mom. It’s important to share my mom’s story and my story as a caregiver so others don’t have to fight alone. It’s overwhelming to be diagnosed at 49 with no symptoms. Or have to question at 25 if my mom would get to see her grandson. As a caregiver I could not provider her the answers, peace, or community my mom was looking for during her diagnosis or treatment. I still can’t seem to help her find peace with scan anxiety or survivor’s guilt. Fight CRC helped provide that community to my mom and myself; I want others to know that we are here and willing to stand with them. Every voice and every story matters in the fight for the cure.If you’ve been impacted by colorectal cancer, share your story. Your voice matters, and our community is here to support you.