

  • In this Taboo-ty Podcast episode, Sheila Hammer, LCSW, addresses the holiday blues and how they could affect you. As we ease into the holiday season, stress goes up, social engagements multiply, diets change, and money gets spent. Listen

  • In this episode, Kristina Smith reflects on her experience as a caregiver, the ups and the downs. Being a loved one of someone with colorectal cancer means there is a shift to a new normal, which is not

  • In this webinar, Joanna Burgess, BSN, RN, CWOCN presents an informative webinar on living with, or preparing for, an ostomy. Joanna shared insight and advice from her professional work as a wound, ostomy and continence nurse (WOCN),

  • Most people diagnosed with colorectal cancer receive a combination of treatments to tackle the disease. Standard treatments have gone through clinical trials to test their effectiveness and safety, as well as to monitor and track side effects (aka

  • In this episode, we focus on caregivers and discuss caregiver roles, the importance of open communication between caregivers and others and recommendations for how to relieve or avoid caregiver stress. Fight CRC is joined by Jeanice

  • 结直肠癌患者和幸存者经常听到这样的评价"保持乐观"、"你看起来不错"、"别担心,一切都会好起来的"。虽然这些评论的初衷是好的,但可能会让人不知道如何分享自己的真实感受。

  • Most people diagnosed with colorectal cancer have a sporadic, or nonhereditary cause for the disease, whereas an estimated 2-5% of all colon cancer patients have an underlying inherited, genetic predisposition. Medical professionals who see patients with strong family

  • Religious and spiritual values have been reported by many patients as important cancer coping tools. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) “the terms spirituality and religion are often used in place of each other, but for many

  • The new normal is a phrase often used by cancer survivors. Due to significant life changes, many survivors struggle to adjust back to their pre-cancer self. The differences may be slight to the outsider but could be enough

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每天都有数以千计的患者找到抗击 CRC,寻求可靠的支持、准确的诊断和治疗。