

  • Join Fight Colorectal Cancer along with Amy Niles, Executive Vice President of Patient Access Network Foundation; Joanna Morales, CEO of Triage Cancer; and Karen Wehling, 9 year Stage IV CRC survivor and Research Advocate, for an engaging

  • On this episode, Shiela Hammer, assistant clinical professor of social work at Northern Arizona University, helps us learn the importance of making a commitment to caring for yourself! Sheila and Mike explore self care from both

  • 抗击结直肠癌组织与蓝帽基金会的合作伙伴一起探讨如何提高非裔美国人社区的结直肠癌筛查率。

  • 我们与美国印第安人癌症基金会、大平原部落领袖健康委员会和罗斯威尔公园的合作伙伴共同探讨如何提高土著社区的结直肠癌筛查率。

  • 2020 年 8 月 27 日,抗击结直肠癌组织(Fight CRC)、美国癌症协会癌症行动网络(ACS CAN)、预防癌症基金会(Prevent Cancer Foundation)和全国结直肠癌圆桌会议(NCCRT)共同举办了一次关于消除结直肠癌的州政策行动规划会议。

  • 2020 年 8 月 25 日,抗击结直肠癌(Fight CRC)、美国癌症协会癌症行动网络(ACS CAN)和预防癌症基金会(Prevent Cancer Foundation)主办了一场关于确保结直肠癌(CRC)筛查覆盖面的州政策行动规划会议。

  • Clinical trials are the beating heart in the fight against colorectal cancer. They are vital, but they seem complicated and frightening. Our clinical trials brochure outlines what a clinical trial is; who clinical trials are for; and so

  • Certain kinds of cancer treatments (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor [EGFR]-inhibitors) can cause skin rash and other skin changes for colorectal cancer patients. Skin rash, itching and cracking, fingernail and toenail irritation, dry skin, and sensitivity to the sun

  • Ina®’s personalized clinically and contextually appropriate nutrition and symptom management interventions 24/7 “on-demand” via SMS text help cancer patients stay on treatment, prevent and manage side effects, and feel strong throughout the cancer journey.

随时向我们提出任何问题。认真点给我们发短信:318-242-8272 (318-CHATCRC).


每天都有数以千计的患者找到抗击 CRC,寻求可靠的支持、准确的诊断和治疗。