It’s hard to give encouraging words because I’m at a point where I’m still really scared & in pain. One thing I can say is lean on your family & friends when you need to, my husband holds my hand every step of the way. For me personally listening to music really helps my mood & I always try to look forward not dwell on the past. Praying has always helped me as well.

Kristi Rhoden

Paciente/superviviente |

Colon - Stage IV |

Edad en el momento del diagnóstico: 41 años

I had been having left side pain, thought it was ovarian cyst. Advocated for myself for 2.5 years finally one gyno listened to me & referred me to a GI, got a colonoscopy that week. Woke to the news & then it was confirmed through a phone call while I was at a friends house with my husband. I was in complete shock, & thought the worst instantly. I cried & cried while my husband held me & prayed for us.

Publicado en: junio 28, 2024

Kristi Rhoden

Publicado en: junio 28, 2024

I had been having left side pain, thought it was ovarian cyst. Advocated for myself for 2.5 years finally one gyno listened to me & referred me to a GI, got a colonoscopy that week. Woke to the news & then it was confirmed through a phone call while I was at a friends house with my husband. I was in complete shock, & thought the worst instantly. I cried & cried while my husband held me & prayed for us.

It’s hard to give encouraging words because I’m at a point where I’m still really scared & in pain. One thing I can say is lean on your family & friends when you need to, my husband holds my hand every step of the way. For me personally listening to music really helps my mood & I always try to look forward not dwell on the past. Praying has always helped me as well.

Paciente/superviviente |

Colon - Stage IV |


Edad en el momento del diagnóstico: 41 años

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