

Fight CRC is recognized as top-ranked charity due to our sound financial reporting and accountability. When you
make a donation to Fight CRC, every dollar donated goes directly to colorectal cancer programs.


Fight CRC is recognized as top-ranked charity due to our sound financial reporting and accountability. When you make a donation to Fight CRC, every dollar donated goes directly to colorectal cancer programs.

Fight Colorectal Cancer (Fight CRC) receives funding from a combination of individual gifts and grants, as well as corporate and non-corporate sponsors. Our transparency and timely current filing is what sets us apart in our community. Fight CRC is recognized as a top charity by several organizations:

  • 4-star charity by Charity Navigator
  • Platinum Rated by GuideStar Exchange
  • Top-ranked charity by Philanthropedia
  • Accredited by the Better Business Bureau

Fight Colorectal Cancer is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Our federal tax ID number is 20-2622550.

Fight Colorectal Cancer (Fight CRC) receives funding from a combination of individual gifts and grants, as well as corporate and non-corporate sponsors. Our transparency and timely current filing is what sets us apart in our community. Fight CRC is recognized as a top charity by several organizations:

  • 4-star charity by Charity Navigator
  • Platinum Rated by GuideStar Exchange
  • Top-ranked charity by Philanthropedia
  • Accredited by the Better Business Bureau

Fight Colorectal Cancer is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Our federal tax ID number is 20-2622550.

Annual Impact Reports

Our Annual Impact Report displays the powerful work of our advocates and the organization. We show the stories, faces, and numbers. We’ve seen remarkable growth over the years.

2023 Report
2022 Report
2021 Report
2020 Report
2018 Report
2017 Report
2016 Report
2015 Report
2014 Report
2013 Report
2012 Report
2011 Report
2010 Report
2009 Report

990 Fiscal Year Filings
















990 Fiscal Year Filings
















Financial Statements

Detailed financial statements are audited by Chaconas and Wilson, PC and also available in Fight Colorectal Cancer’s office.

2023 Statement
2022 Statement
2021 Statement
2020 Statement
2019 Statement
2018 Statement
2017 Statement
2016 Statement
2015 Statement
2014 Statement
2013 Statement

Funding Policy & Disclosure

To keep us ethical and focused, we developed the following funding policy and disclosure. All who sponsor and donate to Fight Colorectal Cancer must oblige by the following conditions:

Property of FightCRC2024-12-18T13:26:14+00:00

All materials and programs developed by Fight Colorectal Cancer are the property of Fight Colorectal Cancer, must carry Fight Colorectal Cancer copyright, and as such, cannot be changed, modified or duplicated without prior written permission from Fight Colorectal Cancer.

Mailing Lists2024-12-18T13:25:23+00:00

Fight Colorectal Cancer does not sell or share its mailing list.

Exclusive Partnerships2024-12-18T13:24:44+00:00

Fight Colorectal Cancer does not enter into exclusive partnerships.

Third Party Involvement2024-12-18T13:23:56+00:00

Fight Colorectal Cancer reserves the right to approve the participation of third parties that may be recommended for involvement in any program, project or event.

Written Approval2024-12-17T21:00:53+00:00

Any corporate partner wishing to reference Fight Colorectal Cancer or any Fight Colorectal Cancer in any public relations, marketing or promotional materials or activities, must first seek the prior review and written approval of Fight Colorectal Cancer.

Fair Balance2024-12-17T20:59:04+00:00

Every effort will be made to ensure that information presented in materials and at programs will be presented in fair balance.

Patient Community2024-12-17T20:58:12+00:00

Fight Colorectal Cancer Research Updates will present information of interest to the patient community. Every effort will be made to ensure that information is presented accurately and completely. Updates may occasionally link to product-specific websites.

Advertising on Web2024-12-17T20:57:15+00:00

Fight Colorectal Cancer does not sell advertising on our website. However, corporate and individual donors may be thanked for their support of a program in the form of a link to their website from our website. A link to a supporter’s website from the Fight Colorectal Cancer site is not an endorsement of any product or service.

Does not Endorse2024-12-17T20:56:23+00:00

Fight Colorectal Cancer does not endorse any medical product, treatment protocol or service, or provide medical advice to patients. Fight Colorectal Cancer’s Medical Advisory Board reviews and approves content within patient resources pages to ensure accurate and full reporting of treatment risks and benefits.

Relationship with Corporate Partner2024-12-17T20:55:09+00:00

All speakers at Fight Colorectal Cancer events will be required to disclose their relationship with the corporate partner.

Disclose Funding Sources2024-12-17T20:54:28+00:00

The Fight Colorectal Cancer projects and programs will publicly disclose funding sources. Speakers representing the Fight Colorectal Cancer will clearly disclose funding sources.

Projects and educational programs2024-12-17T20:53:26+00:00

Funding from corporations for projects and educational programs are charitable donations or unrestricted educational grants. While we welcome input from our corporate partners, Fight Colorectal Cancer has ultimate authority over program development, content and speaker selection.

For more details please read our Policies & Disclaimers.

Funding Policy & Disclosure

To keep us ethical and focused, we developed the following funding policy and disclosure. All who sponsor and donate to Fight Colorectal Cancer must oblige by the following conditions:

Property of FightCRC2024-12-18T13:26:14+00:00

All materials and programs developed by Fight Colorectal Cancer are the property of Fight Colorectal Cancer, must carry Fight Colorectal Cancer copyright, and as such, cannot be changed, modified or duplicated without prior written permission from Fight Colorectal Cancer.

Mailing Lists2024-12-18T13:25:23+00:00

Fight Colorectal Cancer does not sell or share its mailing list.

Exclusive Partnerships2024-12-18T13:24:44+00:00

Fight Colorectal Cancer does not enter into exclusive partnerships.

Third Party Involvement2024-12-18T13:23:56+00:00

Fight Colorectal Cancer reserves the right to approve the participation of third parties that may be recommended for involvement in any program, project or event.

Written Approval2024-12-17T21:00:53+00:00

Any corporate partner wishing to reference Fight Colorectal Cancer or any Fight Colorectal Cancer in any public relations, marketing or promotional materials or activities, must first seek the prior review and written approval of Fight Colorectal Cancer.

Fair Balance2024-12-17T20:59:04+00:00

Every effort will be made to ensure that information presented in materials and at programs will be presented in fair balance.

Patient Community2024-12-17T20:58:12+00:00

Fight Colorectal Cancer Research Updates will present information of interest to the patient community. Every effort will be made to ensure that information is presented accurately and completely. Updates may occasionally link to product-specific websites.

Advertising on Web2024-12-17T20:57:15+00:00

Fight Colorectal Cancer does not sell advertising on our website. However, corporate and individual donors may be thanked for their support of a program in the form of a link to their website from our website. A link to a supporter’s website from the Fight Colorectal Cancer site is not an endorsement of any product or service.

Does not Endorse2024-12-17T20:56:23+00:00

Fight Colorectal Cancer does not endorse any medical product, treatment protocol or service, or provide medical advice to patients. Fight Colorectal Cancer’s Medical Advisory Board reviews and approves content within patient resources pages to ensure accurate and full reporting of treatment risks and benefits.

Relationship with Corporate Partner2024-12-17T20:55:09+00:00

All speakers at Fight Colorectal Cancer events will be required to disclose their relationship with the corporate partner.

Disclose Funding Sources2024-12-17T20:54:28+00:00

The Fight Colorectal Cancer projects and programs will publicly disclose funding sources. Speakers representing the Fight Colorectal Cancer will clearly disclose funding sources.

Projects and educational programs2024-12-17T20:53:26+00:00

Funding from corporations for projects and educational programs are charitable donations or unrestricted educational grants. While we welcome input from our corporate partners, Fight Colorectal Cancer has ultimate authority over program development, content and speaker selection.

For more details please read our Policies & Disclaimers.