Recursos traducidos

Recursos de lucha contra la CDN disponibles en español y chino.

  • Nuestros becarios del Programa Catalyst de Promoción Estado por Estado han tenido la oportunidad de...

  • Muchos estados han aprobado leyes que rebajan la edad de cribado colorrectal a 45 años y eliminan los gastos de bolsillo de las colonoscopias tras un resultado positivo en una prueba de cribado no invasiva. Estos proyectos de ley pueden servir de modelo para quienes deseen introducir una legislación similar.

  • From bowel frequency, pain, and more, many colorectal cancer treatments lead to digestive side effects. Join this webinar with Dr. Cathy Eng to learn all about the digestive system, the side effects that are common due to CRC

  • This journal is designed to give you the space to reflect on your story each day. We’ve included a simple, daily prompt to help you get started. Feel free to write down other thoughts that come to mind.

  • Join us as Eden Stotsky-Himelfarb, BSN, RN from Johns Hopkins Medicine discusses how to manage after a colorectal cancer diagnosis. In this session, she will cover understanding diagnoses, shared decision making, managing mental health, talking to family and

  • Anticipating the end of life and making decisions about medical care at this time can be difficult and distressing for people with cancer and their loved ones. However, it is incredibly important to plan for the transition to end-of-life

  • Chemo-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy is a common side effect for colon cancer and rectal cancer patients. In this episode, Dr. Dana Cardinas talks about Chemo-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and her experience as a stage IIIC colon cancer survivor.

  • In this webinar, Dr. Popp will discuss everything you need to know about palliative care. This is an important webinar for colorectal cancer patients and their loved ones.

  • Feeling worn out and exhausted all the time? You may be experiencing cancer-related fatigue. Tune in to this webinar to learn what cancer-related fatigue is, how to spot it, and how to manage it.

Pregúntanos lo que quieras, cuando quieras. En serio. Envíenos un mensaje de texto al 318-242-8272 (318-CHATCRC).


Todos los días, miles de pacientes acuden a Fight CRC en busca de apoyo fiable, información precisa y un tratamiento eficaz.
información y herramientas y recursos en línea.