Colonoscopy has often been considered the “gold standard” for colorectal cancer screening because it can identify polyps and remove them during the same procedure.

  • Repeated every 10 years, if normal.
  • Performed at an outpatient surgical center or hospital.
  • Bowel prep required.
  • If you’re age 45 or older and you’re getting screened for prevention, your screening should be covered 100% and come at no cost to you. You won’t have to pay any out-of-pocket costs for it. Insurance should also cover the cost of polyp removal during the procedure if you have commercial insurance.
  • Complications are rare but can include bleeding, infection, and bowel-wall injury.
  • Most people are good candidates. This test is among the best ways to find and remove polyps early.
  • Colonoscopy is the only screening option if you’re experiencing symptoms or if you are high or hereditary risk for colorectal cancer.
  • If a non-invasive test is positive, you will need a follow-up colonoscopy within 90 days.