Be a Resource

Resource Champions are dedicated volunteers that work to get our resources into the hands of people that need them. Sign up and you’ll receive resource boxes twice a year, free of charge, filled with material that patients, caregivers, and providers need!

Currently, only people located in the United States are eligible to be Resource Champions.

Be a Resource Champion

Resource Champions are dedicated volunteers that work to get our resources into the hands of people that need them. Sign up and you’ll receive resource boxes twice a year, free of charge, filled with material that patients, caregivers, and providers need!

Currently, only people located in the United States are eligible to be Resource Champions.

"*" señala los campos obligatorios

¿Cuál es su relación con el cáncer colorrectal (CCR)?*
Este campo está oculto cuando se visualiza el formulario
Resource Champion
Este campo es un campo de validación y debe quedar sin cambios.

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Usted potencia nuestro trabajo. Your gift will give more time to patients and caregivers.

Usted potencia nuestro trabajo. Your gift will give more time to patients and caregivers.

¿Listo para luchar con nosotros?

siga a @FightCRC en las redes sociales

If you have an ostomy, what was your mindset when you first got it? How has your perspective changed over time?...#OstomiesAreLifeSavers #Ostomy @_Suhniece
Luck won't prevent colorectal cancer—screening can! 🍀 Take our quick quiz ( to learn when you need to be screened and share with a friend who needs to be screened!#StPatricksDay #CancerScreening #GetScreened #ColorectalCancer
My wife and I met in 2017, and from the moment we connected, we were inseparable.We got engaged in 2018, married in 2019, and welcomed our daughter in 2021. The perfect love story was unfolding.In September 2020, we had just bought our house and were in the midst of trying to have a child. We were excited for the future—it felt like our life together was just beginning.Then, on April 12, 2021, everything changed. Kirsten came home from work, and I surprised her with the news that we were finally pregnant after trying for so long. Just a few hours later, I was rushing her to the ER, where we discovered she had a mass the size of a grapefruit on her right ovary. That night, we were faced with the devastating reality of cancer.After countless appointments and a long, difficult surgery, we received the diagnosis: stage IV colorectal cancer. Kirsten was just 32 years old.As she was coming out of surgery to remove the tumors, I was in another room getting an ultrasound to confirm our pregnancy. It was the best and worst day of our lives.Kirsten fought with every ounce of her being. She fought for our daughter, for our family, for every friend who loved her. She refused to let cancer define her. Even in the darkest moments, she faced each day with strength, positivity, and an unwavering ability to inspire those around her.In December 2021—just three days after our daughter was born—Kirsten went into remission. We were given 10 incredible months together, simply living and loving as a family.But in October 2022, the cancer returned, this time in her bones. Despite her relentless fight, Kirsten passed away on December 3, 2023 at the age of 35.She is missed beyond words. She was a light that should never have been dimmed so soon. Addie and I, along with so many others, love you and miss you more than words can express. #KirstenStrong
Huge thanks to our friends at @dudewipes for making our United in Blue Volunteer Day such a success! 💙