Wall of Champions
Fight CRC’s Wall of Champions is a visual celebration of the bravery, resilience, and spirit
of everyone affected by colorectal cancer.
Honor, remember, and celebrate loved ones with a dedicated donation in their name.
Tributes will be displayed year-round on the Fight CRC website and each March at the United
in Blue installation in Washington, D.C.
Wall of Champions
Fight CRC’s Wall of Champions is a visual celebration of the bravery, resilience, and spirit
of everyone affected by colorectal cancer.
Honor, remember, and celebrate loved ones with a dedicated donation in their name.
Tributes will be displayed year-round on the Fight CRC website and each March at the United
in Blue installation in Washington, D.C.
Wall of Champions
Fight CRC’s Wall of Champions is a visual celebration of the bravery, resilience, and spirit of everyone affected by colorectal cancer.
Honor, remember, and celebrate loved ones with a dedicated donation in their name. Tributes will be displayed year-round on the Fight CRC website and each March at the United in Blue installation in Washington, D.C.

Louis Deslouches, Gabriel Gajdek, Natalia Deslouches Deslouches, Gajdek
Kasia Orzechowska

Kelly Thornton