Side Effects
All cancer treatments come with side effects, however not all patients experience the same side effects.
Even if two patients face the same side effect, they may experience it differently.
Side Effects
All cancer treatments come with side effects, however not all patients experience the same side effects. Even if two patients face the same side effect, they may experience it differently.
What can cause side effects?
Every phase of cancer survivorship comes with side effects.
What can cause side effects?
Every phase of cancer survivorship comes with side effects.
Common Side Effects
Everyone experiences side effects differently. If one patient has experienced a side effect, that doesn’t mean you’ll experience the same thing in the same way. Your body is unique. However, some treatments are known to cause side effects amongst most patients who receive them. Here are some of the most common side effects.
Common Side Effects
Everyone experiences side effects differently. If one patient has experienced a side effect, that doesn’t mean you’ll experience the same thing in the same way. Your body is unique. However, some treatments are known to cause side effects amongst most patients who receive them. Here are some of the most common side effects.
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Ask us anything, anytime. Seriously. Text us at 318-242-8272 (318-CHATCRC).
When to call the doctor?
Don’t hesitate to call your doctor at any point during cancer treatment. Contact your medical team or go to the ER if:
If you are dizzy, lose consciousness, or are unable to keep fluids down due to nausea and vomiting, call 911 or head to the closest emergency room. Upon arrival, inform staff that you are a cancer patient undergoing treatment and need to be seen immediately.
When to call the doctor?
Don’t hesitate to call your doctor at any point during cancer treatment. Contact your medical team or go to the ER if:
If you are dizzy, lose consciousness, or are unable to keep fluids down due to nausea and vomiting, call 911 or head to the closest emergency room. Upon arrival, inform staff that you are a cancer patient undergoing treatment and need to be seen immediately.