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Trisha Hager

Family & Friends Stage IV Colon Cancer Ohio
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Trisha's story

My daughter, Courtney, was diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer after a surgery for a colectomy. It was an 10 hour surgery on Valentines Day 2017. I was with my husband, her stepfather, when the surgeon had a consult with us.

I was devastated how this could happen. She had a baby boy by c-section just two years previously. She had an awful time getting the wound to heal but by no means did I ever think it was cancer!

She fought courageously for three years before passing at age 30 – just 2 weeks before her 31st birthday.

Side effects

Side effects included fatigue, infection, distress or mental health issues/illness.

Trisha's advice

The sooner the better. My daughter told me so many times, "If I had only seen the doctor sooner!" It was her biggest regret!

Think positive and keep people who will listen and help you through the tough times close. It takes a community to rally people through the worst storms of their lives.

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