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Take Action

Advocacy comes in many different forms. From your friends and family to state and federal policymakers, sharing your story and advocating for change can bring us closer to a world without colorectal cancer. Stay up to date on all of the opportunities to get involved and see what we can accomplish together.

Why We Fight

Federal Priorities

Fight Colorectal Cancer is on the ground in Washington, D.C., educating policymakers and ensuring that the colorectal cancer community is represented when and where policy is created.

State Priorities

With advocates across the country, we can be on the ground advocating for policies that will increase access to colorectal cancer screening in every community.

Relentless Advocacy

Fight CRC is proud to support and empower this community of relentless champions of hope in the fight against colorectal cancer. Find the power in your story.

Advocacy Victories

Advocates across the country are raising their voices to make colorectal cancer a national priority. Your voice matters! See what we can accomplish together.

  • 75,000 advocates across all 50 states

  • Advocates participated in over 230 congressional meetings during Call-on Congress 2022

  • Successfully urged Congress to remove out-of-pocket costs for a colonoscopy following a positive non-invasive screening test

Become an Advocate

Fill out the form below to become an advocate with Fight Colorectal Cancer! By doing so, you’ll receive important colorectal cancer policy updates and chances to have your voice heard. 

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What is your connection to colorectal cancer (CRC)?*
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