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State Advocacy Priorities

With advocates across the country, we can be on the ground advocating for policies that will increase access to colorectal cancer screening in every community.

Removing Out-of-Pocket Costs for Follow-Up Colonoscopies

 If a patient completes a non-invasive colorectal cancer screening test and receives a positive result, it is critical that they then undergo a follow-up colonoscopy to complete the screening process.  Unfortunately, this often results in patients being faced with out-of-pocket costs. Fight CRC is working at the state to remove this barrier to colorectal cancer screening.

State Screening Briefs

Want to learn more about the state of colorectal cancer screening in your state? Our state fact sheets are a great primer to get you started. Pro tip: they can be used in meetings with policymakers to help make a case for increased access to colorectal cancer screening.

Take action

State Advocacy

The Catalyst State-by-State Advocacy Program is a competitive grant program created to support colorectal cancer policy change at the state level. Our goal is to accelerate progress toward turning aspirational colorectal cancer screening goals into reality by increasing access and reducing barriers to colorectal cancer screening.

Federal Advocacy

Fight Colorectal Cancer is on the ground in Washington, D.C., educating policymakers and ensuring that the colorectal cancer community is represented when and where policy is created.

Become an Advocate

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