给大肠癌患者的 5 个财务提示


There is no typical financial situation

凯伦-韦林(Karen Wehling)在丈夫意外去世仅四个月后就被诊断出患有 IV 期癌症。在刚刚失去丈夫的悲痛中,她又不得不面对新的诊断、新的治疗计划和新的经济问题。

虽然她的情况并不是大肠癌患者的典型情况,但 Wehling 认为没有 "典型 "的癌症情况。然而,有一些共同的挣扎--不幸的是,财务就是其中之一。在此,Wehling 分享了她在财务与结直肠癌的交集中学到的一些经验。

Karen Wehling 周围有三个孩子、女婿和两个孙子。
图片来源:Ginzy Schaefer


"首先要考虑自己的健康,"Wehling 说。"有很多方法可以解决可能出现的金钱问题"。 

But don’t put off money talk too long, Wehling said. She does wish she paid attention to financial matters earlier than she did, and she wishes she knew to apply for disability insurance sooner. Wehling thinks of a friend with cancer who did what she wished she had: First, she created a treatment plan with her care team, and soon after, she talked with her insurance provider to learn what was covered and then found financial support that could fill in the gaps. Focus on your health first, Wehling advises, then turn the focus to finances. Programs like Medicare and Social Security Disability Insurance may offer help.

2. Assemble a team of people willing to help you

这个团队可能包括医院的社工,他们可以为您联系医院和社区的各种资源;也可能包括朋友和家人,他们可能精通财务知识或愿意帮您做研究。考虑聘请律师,他们可以帮助您申请残疾保险。Wehling 还说,心理健康支持也很重要。癌症的压力加上财务问题的压力可能会让人喘不过气来,而心理治疗可以提供宝贵的支持。您不必独自承受这些。


- 凯伦-韦林,IV 期幸存者

3. Think of new possibilities, even ones you didn’t entertain before

在短短一年时间里,Wehling 失去了丈夫,被诊断出癌症 IV 期,并丧失了工作能力。她不得不考虑一些以前从未考虑过的选择--对 Wehling 来说,这就是找到有效解决方案的关键所在。 


尽管每个人的情况不同,但几乎每个癌症患者都会面临新的问题和不确定性。Wehling 搬去与女儿同住,她们一起集中资源。这种情况对她的家庭非常有利。

4. Connect with others who are going through similar things

Wehling 上网寻找其他患有结直肠癌的人,尤其是通过抗击结直肠癌和 COLONTOWN 等团体。与有类似经历和问题的人交流非常有帮助,也让她感到安心。Wehling 还开始指导那些刚刚开始癌症之旅的人,向他们提供自己的见解、支持和同情。 

"当你感到恐惧,不知道该怎么办时,互助小组是个好帮手。他们会给你想要的情感支持,有时,他们还会告诉你可以联系哪些地方寻求帮助,"Wehling 说。"当你和其他经历过类似事情的人交谈时,你会觉得自己也可以经历这些事情。

5. Don’t take “no” for an answer

If you initially get turned down for financial support, keep fighting. Wehling learned that sometimes people are initially denied for Social Security Disability Benefits, but they can apply again and may get approved on subsequent applications. (A lawyer may be helpful here.) 

"不要放弃,不要认为世界末日到了,"Wehling 说。"试着寻找光明。对我来说,光明就是所有愿意帮助我渡过难关的人"。

More resources on finance, money, and colorectal cancer

The Patient Advocate Foundation Co-Pay Relief Fund offers a metastatic colorectal cancer co-pay fund, which is currently closed, but offers an opportunity to "get notified" when new funds open or current funds re-open. The Patient Advocate Foundation Co-Pay Relief Fund also has a metastatic colorectal cancer health equity fund, which is currently open to patients within specific ZIP codes who must meet other eligibility requirements, as well.

癌症支持社区最近发表了一篇博客 How to File a Health Insurance Appeal for a Denied Claim: What Patients Need to Know, which contains helpful information and tips about your right to appeal, preparing an appeal, and getting help in the appeals process.

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN) provides a downloadable, helpful tool for patients in need of financial assistance.