

Climb for a Cure means many things to the colorectal cancer community. For some, Climb for a Cure is an event to raise awareness about colorectal cancer. To others, The Climb is about community and the reminder that “no one flights alone.” For many, the Climb is about raising funds to advance research on the 治愈之路 为结直肠癌。今年,抗击CRC鼓励每个人都参与进来,并为所有这些原因而积极行动起来。 

Beginning in 2016 with a handful of survivors and caregivers climbing a mountain, Climb for a Cure became a metaphor for their fight against colorectal cancer. Today, it unites hundreds of survivors, caregivers, and loved ones across the country. Throughout the past seven years, Climb for a Cure has become Fight CRC’s cornerstone fundraising event.



  • Find your Climb! Determine where, when, and how you want to participate. 
  • Register! Select the Climb event you want to attend.  
  • Fundraise! Once you’ve registered, be sure to set up your fundraising page (and join a team). **Note: you do not have to register to fundraise!


为治愈而攀登 "鼓励结肠直肠癌社区积极行动起来,与其他无情的希望战士联系,同时将研究资金推到新的高度。

This is making an impact: With funds from Climb for a Cure, Fight CRC has created a plan, the Path to a Cure report, and convened a treatment 智囊团,聚集了最好的和聪明的头脑,共同提出可操作的解决方案来阻止这种疾病。后续的早期发病智囊团计划于2023年12月1日举行。  

Thanks to Climb for a Cure, Fight CRC has created a grant to fund a young researcher who will receive access to Tempus’ de-identified datasets and analytical platform to identify insights and gaps that are occurring in colorectal cancer clinical research. The Fight CRC community is made up of trailblazers, intersecting research and advocacy, in the fight against colorectal cancer.


This Climb for a Cure season offers many options to get involved. With three featured Climbs – in New York, California, and Colorado – you can attend an existing Climb event to meet your needs. All three featured Climbs happen the weekend of August 5 and 6, 2023, so be sure to learn more about the featured Climb events. 

  • Climb for a Cure – New York: An “easy” hike that anyone can do: Even someone three days post-chemo treatment (read more about that below!).  
  • Climb for a Cure – California: Returning to Tilden Park with multiple hiking route options for those of different abilities who desire the same shared experience. Lunch and celebration to follow! 
  • Climb for a Cure – Colorado: A two-day extravaganza kicking off with a fun walk, cornhole tournament, and axe throwing on day one, and a more physical day climbing up Mount Princeton on day two.  


The featured Climbs are not your only option. New this year is the opportunity to host or attend anywhere. Select this option to participate alone, host an event, or participate in a community event hosted by someone else. You can hike, bike, swim, walk, run, skate, or anything else that gets your heart pumping and body moving. You can even download a toolkit for help getting started!  

请注意,在Fight CRC的 冠军社区 (今天就下载这个应用程序!)并加入我们的 "为治愈而攀登 "社区。目前在北卡罗来纳州、马里兰州、密苏里州等地都有 "主办或参加 "的活动,你可以了解更多关于为治愈而攀登的活动,这可能会让你在离家更近的地方与无情的希望战士们联系起来。 

Wherever you go; whichever Climb for a Cure event you decide to attend (or host!); you won’t be disappointed.