

莫桑比克斯普林菲尔德和纽约,2017年10月24日-抗击结直肠癌(Fight CRC)和癌症研究所(CRI)自豪地宣布,"推进结直肠癌免疫疗法的蓝图 "将发表在2017年11月的杂志上。 癌症免疫学研究 (2017年10月16日在线发表,提前印刷)。

The article is the culmination of an over year-long collaborative effort convened by the two organizations alongside leaders in both oncology and immunotherapy to author a paper with the intent of furthering and guiding colorectal cancer research.

This multidisciplinary, multi-institutional effort was co-chaired by Dung Le, M.D., of Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center and Al Benson, M.D., of Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center.


The intent of the effort is to build off the identified immunologic factors that may be modulated to improve immunotherapy for CRC patients, with the goal that the biomarkers and treatment strategies identified in the manuscript will become part of the routine management of colorectal cancer (CRC).

The effort came together when Fight CRC and CRI recognized the need for experts in their respective disciplines to collaborate and identify strategies on advancing this research.

"癌症研究所首席执行官兼科学事务主任、论文作者Jill O'Donnell-Tormey博士说:"事实证明,免疫疗法只对一小部分结直肠癌患者有效,这项合作努力旨在通过确定影响患者反应的分子、遗传和微环境因素来改善更多CRC患者的治疗效果,以开发更成功的治疗干预措施。

该论文的另一位作者--抗击儿童癌症协会健康促进部主任Andrea (Andi) Dwyer在召集专家和使手稿发表方面发挥了重要作用。她评论说、

"作为一个中立的召集人,Fight CRC在免疫疗法点燃的时候就在召集专家。通过与我们的免疫疗法工作组合作,我们能够分享一份科学现状的路线图。这有助于每个社区的医生更好地将病人与免疫治疗联系起来,也为他们推进免疫治疗的临床和研究工作提供信息。目标是更好地护理和治疗结直肠癌患者"。

In addition to publishing the paper, as part of the ongoing commitment to research, Fight CRC and CRI jointly administered a two-year, $400,000 grant to Cindy L. Sears, M.D., of Johns Hopkins to study “Gut microbiome and the immune microenvironment of human primary and metastatic colorectal cancer”—a topic the group of experts who authored the paper deemed a priority in the advancement of colorectal cancer immunotherapy.

Fight CRC’s contribution to the grant, $200,000, was matched by CRI and became the largest single-grant Fight CRC has distributed to date.

阅读更多:  Fight CRC's funding of colorectal cancer research

"抗击结直肠癌组织主席兼论文作者Anjee Davis说:"我们对宣布这一出版物感到激动和自豪。"它反映了一年多来的工作,包括病人的声音,召集全球领导人,建立合作的机会,促进各学科的有意义的参与。我们专注于结直肠癌免疫疗法研究的未来之路。作为一个宣传组织,我们利用了我们最好的资产:召集的力量。最终,我们希望这将有助于推动科学工作,并导致结直肠癌的治愈。"

阅读更多:  查看""的在线手稿推进结直肠癌免疫治疗的蓝图"发表在《癌症免疫学研究》上.


结肠癌和直肠癌(colorectal cancer或CRC)构成了美国男性和女性癌症死亡的第二大原因:

  • 95,520个结肠癌新病例
  • 39,910个直肠癌新病例
  • 50,260人死于结直肠癌

The disease is most treatable and curable when caught early; however, about one in three adults between ages 50 and 75 (23 million people) are not getting tested as recommended.


Danielle Burgess, +571.335.8442

For Cancer Research Institute:
Brian Brewer, +212.688.7515 x242


Fight Colorectal Cancer (Fight CRC) is a trusted national nonprofit advocacy organization fighting for a cure. It was founded in 2005 by Nancy Roach, a patient advocate who witnessed the need for colorectal cancer advocacy after her mother-in-law’s diagnosis. The organization plays an important role in rallying colorectal cancer advocates to action. Fight CRC is known for activism and patient empowerment throughout patient, academic, political, scientific, medical and nonprofit communities. With a mission focused on advocacy, research, patient education and awareness, the organization serves advocates in every state of the U.S. and many others around the world. Fight CRC is Platinum rated by non profit monitoring group GuideStar and a 4-star charity by Charity Navigator with 95 cents of every dollar donated going directly to colorectal cancer programs.


癌症研究所(CRI)成立于1953年,是世界领先的非营利性组织,专门致力于通过推动科学努力,开发新的和有效的基于免疫系统的战略来预防、诊断、治疗和最终治愈所有癌症,从而改变癌症患者的护理。在包括三位诺贝尔奖得主和25位美国国家科学院院士在内的世界知名的科学顾问委员会的指导下,CRI已投资$344百万美元,支持世界一流的医疗中心和大学的免疫学家和肿瘤免疫学家的研究,并对许多关键的科学进展作出了贡献,这些进展表明免疫疗法有可能改变癌症治疗的面貌。要了解更多信息,请访问 www.cancerresearch.org.