

临床试验是推进结直肠癌治疗方案的一种方式。但是病人--还有他们的医生--可能认为临床试验是治疗中的最后努力,而且你必须是第四阶段才有资格。抗击癌症协会的首席策展人马亚-沃克(Maia Walker)说。 临床试验搜索器谈到关于临床试验的首要神话。 


This is one of the worst myths in the house: “Clinical trials are the last resource.” Start researching clinical trials as early as possible, at the time of a cancer diagnosis. There are clinical trials for those just diagnosed; for those about to start the first line of treatment; for those that are in the third line of treatment; from stage I through stage IV.  Also, there are clinical trials that don’t provide active treatment for the disease, but that might ease side effects from treatments, or help family members to check if they are at increased risk. Those are incredibly important!

Be proactive: Research clinical trials even when you think they are not needed!

Clinical trials might be the chance to receive a treatment that is just about to be approved. For patients with the most common type of colorectal cancer (MSS), clinical trials allow them to receive new treatments from the emerging field of immunotherapy for colorectal cancer. Immunotherapy holds the potential to induce durable responses,  even if only a minority of patients currently respond. 

A good time to search for trials is when chemotherapy is working, when treatment is stable and tumors are shrinking, and you have figured out how to deal with the side effects. When you or a loved one are diagnosed, we recommend reading documents like the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) patient guide for colon cancer and the NCCN patient guide for rectal cancer, as well as our clinical trials brochurebiomarker brochure

在阅读所有这些信息时,请慢慢来,因为一开始,这一切可能会让人感到不知所措,没有意义。随着时间的推移,你会开始理解。NCCN为你的癌症阶段和类型列出了不同的标准护理方案。这将帮助你确定你可以获得的潜在治疗。当你了解了你可以选择的治疗方法后,你可以考虑临床试验,"我应该考虑下一步的治疗方法?"或者甚至 "什么临床试验可能有助于提高我作为幸存者的生活质量?"


Clinical trials not only exist to treat the disease itself, but also to enhance the quality of life for survivors. For example, some research studies enroll patients to help them manage side effects that can substantially alter both their sex life and fertility. All these trials are hardly "last-ditch effort” interventions!


When a clinical trial involves placebos (a treatment that is not real, whether a pill or a shot), it is imperative to note that the participants in the clinical trial continue to receive the standard of care treatment. 换句话说,在最低限度上,参与者接受他们如果不在临床试验中会接受的所有治疗。 安慰剂不用于临床试验,因为在临床试验中,如果志愿者没有接受真正的病情治疗,就会受到伤害。 



有时人们担心有色人种会得到安慰剂,而白人会得到 "真正的 "临床试验药物,请放心,这不是临床试验的工作方式。 

Because people may experience the same disease differently, it is extremely important to include people with a variety of lived experiences and living conditions, as well as characteristics like race and ethnicity, and  age, so that all communities benefit from scientific advances in clinical trials.

多样性、 equity, and inclusion also relates to encompassing people of perceived “healthy” or “unhealthy” behaviors, environmental conditions, genetic variation or geographic ancestry, or underlying medical issues.








Fight Colorectal Cancer’s Clinical Trial Finder makes exploring clinical trials for MSS colorectal cancer easier and more patient friendly. 


有一些临床试验,患者可以在第四阶段诊断之前或甚至在患者达到 "无疾病证据 "之后参加。这些临床试验中有许多是为了研究如何提高结直肠癌幸存者的生活质量。

To learn more about different clinical trials from stage I through stage IV, read the 临床试验对话博客 Series. This is a monthly series, discussing all the latest exciting clinical trials.





每月一次,Maia 和 Manju 花时间为我们的社区解读重要的研究试验、技巧和建议。请务必订阅报名 with Fight CRC and join COLONTOWN’s online community to continue receiving the most relevant updates in the CRC world!

你也可以关注Maia (@sassycell) 和 Manju (@manjuggm) to stay updated on research and trials and visit ClinicalTrials.gov for more information on trials.

临床试验对于找到治愈结直肠癌的方法至关重要。作为一个致力于为患者、护理人员和家庭提供支持和赋权的倡导组织,抗击 CRC 与以下机构合作COLONTOWN to deliver a monthly blog series highlighting everything patients need to know about clinical trials and the best treatment options available.
