Just Diagnosed
There are many ways people respond to a colorectal cancer diagnosis: fear, panic, determination, resolve,
grit. An array of emotions will likely come as you process, but here’s one thing you’re guaranteed to need:
support and education.
Just Diagnosed
There are many ways people respond to a colorectal cancer diagnosis: fear, panic, determination, resolve, grit. An array of emotions will likely come as you process, but here’s one thing you’re guaranteed to need: support and education.
Unless you’re in the minority of patients and caregivers who are already familiar with this disease, it’s likely you need some help if you’re facing a colorectal cancer diagnosis. We want you to have the information you need so you can be an educated patient or caregiver, an empowered advocate, and so you can make wise decisions about your health.
You have a right to know everything about your cancer and have a say in your treatment plan.
Unless you’re in the minority of patients and caregivers who are already familiar with this disease, it’s likely you need some help if you’re facing a colorectal cancer diagnosis. We want you to have the information you need so you can be an educated patient or caregiver, an empowered advocate, and so you can make wise decisions about your health.
You have a right to know everything about your cancer and have a say in your treatment plan.
About the Colon
A colorectal cancer diagnosis means you’ll be talking and thinking a lot about the colon. If high school anatomy class is a little fuzzy, here’s a quick refresher about this important organ:
While the general public often thinks about the colon as one, big organ, when you’re facing a colorectal cancer diagnosis, it’s important to understand a little more about the anatomy of the colon and rectum, and how it works.
The colon has two sides, five sections, and two colic flexures (also known as curves).
The right side of your colon accounts for your:
The left side of your colon accounts for your:
Although not technically the colon, your rectum is considered left side.
Understanding which side of the colon (right or left) your colorectal cancer first originated, and the section of colon as well, is important information because it can have an impact on surgery, post-surgery side effects, as well as treatment planning.
About the Colon
A colorectal cancer diagnosis means you’ll be talking and thinking a lot about the colon. If high school anatomy class is a little fuzzy, here’s a quick refresher about this important organ:
While the general public often thinks about the colon as one, big organ, when you’re facing a colorectal cancer diagnosis, it’s important to understand a little more about the anatomy of the colon and rectum, and how it works.
The colon has two sides, five sections, and two colic flexures (also known as curves).
The right side of your colon accounts for your:
The left side of your colon accounts for your:
Although not technically the colon, your rectum is considered left side.
Understanding which side of the colon (right or left) your colorectal cancer first originated, and the section of colon as well, is important information because it can have an impact on surgery, post-surgery side effects, as well as treatment planning.
What is Cancer?
Cancer occurs when something goes wrong within the cell duplication process. All our bodies have cells that multiply and divide—that’s how we stay alive! When a cell divides abnormally or it gets old and it doesn’t die, the abnormal and old cells multiply rather than the healthy cells—and this is the basis of cancer. When this happens in the colon or rectum, you’re facing colorectal cancer.
What is Cancer?
Cancer occurs when something goes wrong within the cell duplication process. All our bodies have cells that multiply and divide—that’s how we stay alive! When a cell divides abnormally or it gets old and it doesn’t die, the abnormal and old cells multiply rather than the healthy cells—and this is the basis of cancer. When this happens in the colon or rectum, you’re facing colorectal cancer.
Colon cancer vs. Rectal cancer
Another key piece of understanding your colorectal cancer diagnosis is knowing the difference between colon cancer and rectal cancer.
Colon cancer occurs when cancer originates in the cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, or sigmoid colon.
Rectal cancer occurs when cancer originates in the rectum.
In some cases, cancer can occur in the rectosigmoid segment, which is between the sigmoid colon and rectum. In this case, it may be classified as “colorectal cancer.”
There are several similarities between colon cancer and rectal cancer.
- Known factors increase your chances of getting both colon and rectal cancer.
- Most symptoms, especially blood in the stool or a change in bowel habits, apply to colon cancer and rectal cancer.
- Screenings that examine both the colon and rectum are used to diagnose colon and rectal cancers.
- Certain factors affect prognosis and treatment options for both colon and rectal cancers.
- Recurrence is possible for both colon and rectal cancers.
- Newer types of treatment options are being tested in clinical trials for both colon cancer and rectal cancers.
- Genetic syndromes, like Lynch syndrome, can lead to both colon and rectal cancers.
Despite both the colon and rectum being housed in the large intestine, they are two different body parts with separate body functions.
- Surgical approaches will differ based on where the cancer is located: in the colon or in the rectum. This will also lead to differences in side effects.
- Treatments will differ based on where your cancer originated. Many rectal cancer patients will receive radiation, then possibly chemoradiation and surgery. Most colon cancer patients will undergo chemotherapy and surgery and may never need radiation.
- Treatments and clinical trials may only be eligible for colon cancer or rectal cancer patients.
Colon cancer vs. Rectal cancer
Another key piece of understanding your colorectal cancer diagnosis is knowing the difference between colon cancer and rectal cancer.
Colon cancer occurs when cancer originates in the cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, or sigmoid colon.
Rectal cancer occurs when cancer originates in the rectum.
In some cases, cancer can occur in the rectosigmoid segment, which is between the sigmoid colon and rectum. In this case, it may be classified as “colorectal cancer.”
There are several similarities between colon cancer and rectal cancer.
- Known factors increase your chances of getting both colon and rectal cancer.
- Most symptoms, especially blood in the stool or a change in bowel habits, apply to colon cancer and rectal cancer.
- Screenings that examine both the colon and rectum are used to diagnose colon and rectal cancers.
- Certain factors affect prognosis and treatment options for both colon and rectal cancers.
- Recurrence is possible for both colon and rectal cancers.
- Newer types of treatment options are being tested in clinical trials for both colon cancer and rectal cancers.
- Genetic syndromes, like Lynch syndrome, can lead to both colon and rectal cancers.
Despite both the colon and rectum being housed in the large intestine, they are two different body parts with separate body functions.
- Surgical approaches will differ based on where the cancer is located: in the colon or in the rectum. This will also lead to differences in side effects.
- Treatments will differ based on where your cancer originated. Many rectal cancer patients will receive radiation, then possibly chemoradiation and surgery. Most colon cancer patients will undergo chemotherapy and surgery and may never need radiation.
- Treatments and clinical trials may only be eligible for colon cancer or rectal cancer patients.
Cancer staging: Understanding a colorectal cancer diagnosis
After you’ve been officially diagnosed, your next step is cancer staging. Staging your cancer means doctors will determine how advanced it is. Knowing your cancer stage will help you find answers to questions like:
Your stage and tumor type will help answer these questions. Colorectal cancer can be diagnosed with stages 0-IV.
Cancer staging: Understanding a colorectal cancer diagnosis
After you’ve been officially diagnosed, your next step is cancer staging. Staging your cancer means doctors will determine how advanced it is. Knowing your cancer stage will help you find answers to questions like:
Your stage and tumor type will help answer these questions. Colorectal cancer can be diagnosed with stages 0-IV.
Survival rates
Like it or not, it’s one of the first questions we ask when we face a colorectal cancer diagnosis: How long do I have?
First: You must know every patient is unique, there are survivors from every stage, and people beat the odds every day. There is always hope.
But we realize there’s also a reality to this disease, and there’s data behind average colorectal cancer survival rates that can attempt to answer that question—factors like stage of diagnosis, race, age, gender, and more. When you’re reading the data, it’s important to understand that localized means stage I or stage II; regional means stage III; and distal means stage IV.”
Survival rates are based on statistical analyses of patient data. These statistics are projections and percentages—not absolutes.
So, to understand your diagnosis; how advanced it is; and how aggressive your fight may need to be, it can be helpful to know the survival rate based on your cancer stage.
Survival rates
Like it or not, it’s one of the first questions we ask when we face a colorectal cancer diagnosis: How long do I have?
First: You must know every patient is unique, there are survivors from every stage, and people beat the odds every day. There is always hope.
But we realize there’s also a reality to this disease, and there’s data behind average colorectal cancer survival rates that can attempt to answer that question—factors like stage of diagnosis, race, age, gender, and more. When you’re reading the data, it’s important to understand that localized means stage I or stage II; regional means stage III; and distal means stage IV.”
Survival rates are based on statistical analyses of patient data. These statistics are projections and percentages—not absolutes.
So, to understand your diagnosis; how advanced it is; and how aggressive your fight may need to be, it can be helpful to know the survival rate based on your cancer stage.
Learn more about your diagnosis in our Just Diagnosed webinar.
Learn more about your diagnosis in our Just Diagnosed webinar.
Your patient rights
It’s likely that you were handed or shown a sheet at the hospital, clinic, or doctor’s office that underscored your patient rights. It’s also likely that you signed it without really reading it, as it’s often tucked inside many forms you must sign before receiving scheduled medical care.
In 1997, the White House issued a federally overseen Patient’s Bill of Rights, which was amended in 2010 by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In addition to the federally mandated health care rights, several other groups have adapted and established patient’s bill of rights.
When you’re diagnosed with colorectal cancer, it’s important to learn and remember your patient rights. Here are a few critical ones to keep in mind:
These are only a few of your patient rights that apply anywhere you go for care in the U.S., no matter what type of care you need. Several other groups have also put together patient rights:
Your patient rights
It’s likely that you were handed or shown a sheet at the hospital, clinic, or doctor’s office that underscored your patient rights. It’s also likely that you signed it without really reading it, as it’s often tucked inside many forms you must sign before receiving scheduled medical care.
In 1997, the White House issued a federally overseen Patient’s Bill of Rights, which was amended in 2010 by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In addition to the federally mandated health care rights, several other groups have adapted and established patient’s bill of rights.
When you’re diagnosed with colorectal cancer, it’s important to learn and remember your patient rights. Here are a few critical ones to keep in mind:
These are only a few of your patient rights that apply anywhere you go for care in the U.S., no matter what type of care you need. Several other groups have also put together patient rights:
Online information and misinformation
If you’re like most of us, one of the very first things you did when you received your colorectal cancer diagnosis was turn to Google. That may, in fact, be how you found us here at Fight CRC.
We aren’t going to tell you to stop Googling, as there’s some great information out there that can help you understand your diagnosis. However, make sure you’re getting your information from trusted sites and accounts.
Unfortunately, trolls and scumbags pray on the vulnerable, which puts colorectal cancer patients and caregivers at an increased risk.
Beware of misinformation about cancer and false claims. Don’t accept something you read online as truth unless you run it past your medical team.
If you stumble across treatment options that appear “too good to be true” while you’re looking for information online, they most likely are. Be wary of outlandish promises, guaranteed results, and oddball treatments. If you’re interested in exploring alternative or complimentary treatment options for your cancer, visit our page on complementary and alternative medicine for more information.
Who can I trust?
If you’re starting out, here are safe places we recommend turning to when gathering information online:
- The National Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society and MedlinePlus.
- Your hospital, cancer center, and doctor’s office website
- Websites that end in .edu, .gov, and possibly .org.
- Accounts featuring licensed medical professionals
What should you stay away from?
- Do not accept everything you read in social media groups or on message boards as fact.
- Beware of websites trying to sell you something to cure your cancer.
- If the website is for complementary alternative medicine, make sure it’s tied into research studies.
- Accounts of people claiming to have the answer to cancer, but not the credentials nor the experience.
Online information and misinformation
If you’re like most of us, one of the very first things you did when you received your colorectal cancer diagnosis was turn to Google. That may, in fact, be how you found us here at Fight CRC.
We aren’t going to tell you to stop Googling, as there’s some great information out there that can help you understand your diagnosis. However, make sure you’re getting your information from trusted sites and accounts.
Unfortunately, trolls and scumbags pray on the vulnerable, which puts colorectal cancer patients and caregivers at an increased risk.
Beware of misinformation about cancer and false claims. Don’t accept something you read online as truth unless you run it past your medical team.
If you stumble across treatment options that appear “too good to be true” while you’re looking for information online, they most likely are. Be wary of outlandish promises, guaranteed results, and oddball treatments. If you’re interested in exploring alternative or complimentary treatment options for your cancer, visit our page on complementary and alternative medicine for more information.
Who can I trust?
If you’re starting out, here are safe places we recommend turning to when gathering information online:
- The National Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society and MedlinePlus.
- Your hospital, cancer center, and doctor’s office website
- Websites that end in .edu, .gov, and possibly .org.
- Accounts featuring licensed medical professionals
What should you stay away from?
- Do not accept everything you read in social media groups or on message boards as fact.
- Beware of websites trying to sell you something to cure your cancer.
- If the website is for complementary alternative medicine, make sure it’s tied into research studies.
- Accounts of people claiming to have the answer to cancer, but not the credentials nor the experience.