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护理人员 第四期直肠癌 阿肯色州

故事。 "Carrie had been going to the doctor for severe abdominal pain for over seven months. Long story short, we pulled her out of our local hospital, and took her to an ER in Springfield. They found a large tumor that night and performed surgery."

建议。 "Be your own best advocate. It’s so very important to educate yourself and direct your care!"


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患者/生还者 第四期直肠癌

Kristie Reimann

Side Effects, Fatigue, Rectal bleeding or blood in stool, Ongoing change in bowel habits, Narrow stools, Unable to have a bowel movement (bowel obstruction) or constipation, Stomach cramps/bloating/fullness
患者/生还者 第三期结肠癌

David Coulter
