Thomas G. Saunders


Thomas Saunders 是美国港口公司的政府事务总监。美国港口公司是北美最大的独立海运码头运营商和装卸公司,在超过 42 个港口和 80 个地点提供码头管理服务。Thomas 为纽瓦克港集装箱码头 (PNCT) 和切萨皮克港(巴尔的摩)等美国港口公司的主要港口制定并执行政府事务战略。

Before joining Ports America in 2017, Thomas most recently worked for Congressman Donald Payne Jr, a Transportation and Infrastructure Committee member, and has over seven years of Capitol Hill experience. In his various roles on Capitol Hill, Thomas achieved favorable policy outcomes through strategic partnerships, relationship building, and stakeholder outreach. He possesses immense institutional knowledge and an intimate understanding of the federal legislative process. His past issue portfolio includes health policy with an emphasis on colorectal cancer, community health centers, men’s health, transportation and port infrastructure, homeland security, labor and workforce development, appropriations, military, and defense. Thomas is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and a New Jersey native.