


两党两院达成一致,将结肠直肠癌作为重中之重,议员们共同再次提出 "消除结肠直肠癌筛查障碍法案"。

Alexandria, Va. – March 4, 2015 – Colorectal cancer is a national priority and this week Congress recognized the importance of screening and prevention. Members from both parties and chambers united to re-introduce the “Removing Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening Act” (H.R. 1220 & S. 624) – a bill that seeks to remove a Medicare loophole that results in unexpected expenses for seniors receiving colonoscopy screenings.

Although colonoscopy screening is covered for seniors on Medicare at no charge as a routine screening procedure, if a physician detects a polyp and removes it, the procedure becomes ‘diagnostic’ and seniors may face an unexpected bill upon completion of the colonoscopy. This bill seeks to remove this cost barrier that is preventing some from receiving lifesaving prevention.

"大肠癌是可以预防的,通过筛查可以避免 60% 的死亡,但它仍然是美国癌症死亡的第二大原因,"抗击大肠癌组织主席安吉-戴维斯(Anjee Davis)说。安吉-戴维斯(Anjee Davis)总裁说:"医疗保险(Medicare)中的这一漏洞向一些老年人收取了额外的、意想不到的费用,解决这一问题至关重要,这样才能消除阻碍他们进行筛查的障碍。我们希望本届国会能够签署这项法案,使其成为法律。


此前,这两项法案(H.R. 1070 和 S. 2348)在众议院和参议院分别获得 158 个和 15 个共同提案国的支持。在本届第 114 届国会中,众议员小唐纳德-佩恩(Donald Payne, Jr.小唐纳德-佩恩(Donald Payne, Jr., NJ-10)、查尔斯-登特(Charles Dent, PA-15)、乔-考特尼(Joe Courtney, CT-2)、迈克尔-菲茨帕特里克(Michael Fitzpatrick, PA-8)以及谢罗德-布朗(Sherrod Brown, D-OH)、罗杰-威克(Roger Wicker, R-MS)、本-卡丁(Ben Cardin, D-MD)和苏珊-柯林斯(Susan Collins, R-ME)参议员共同再次提出了这两项法案。

"任何有固定收入的老人都不应该在健康和购买日用品之间做出选择"。 小佩恩说。 “But under the current Medicare cost-sharing structure, many seniors are faced with unreasonably high costs that deter them from receiving cancer screenings.

I am proud to introduce this bipartisan legislation to remove barriers and increase accessibility for Medicare beneficiaries seeking life-saving colorectal cancer screenings and treatment,” 小佩恩议员补充说 "我赞赏结直肠癌社区为提高人们对这一重要问题的认识所做的努力,我期待着我们在第 114 届国会上继续合作。

Advocates from Fight Colorectal Cancer will be on the Hill March 16-18 for the organization's 9th Call-on Congress to request member support. For more information, visit our call on congress page. Advocates interested in getting involved with Fight CRC advocacy initiatives are encouraged to register on our 宣传 页。


Fight Colorectal Cancer is a leading colorectal cancer nonprofit in Washington, D.C. Through patient education, advocacy and involvement in research the group spreads awareness and demands a cure for the second-leading killer in the United States. As the leading advocacy group, the organization serves as a resource for colorectal cancer patients, grassroots advocates, policy makers, medical professionals and health care providers.

关于 "Unity in Congress for Colorectal Cancer "的一个想法

  1. 这种情况不仅发生在老年人身上,也发生在其他人身上。我的保险公司 Humana 也是这么对我的。他们说,如果发现息肉,就会被视为诊断性息肉,我就必须支付更多的费用。这毫无意义,而且会让很多人因为费用问题而不去做筛查。
