




Virtual Trial to Compare Two Digital Therapeutics as Interventions for Physical and Mental Health in People with Cancer (RESTORE) (NCT05227898)

This trial is for stage I through stage III cancer patients with elevated anxiety symptoms. It is for those who are receiving systemic treatment or have received it within the past six months. Eligible patients from anywhere in the United States can enroll in it, since it is a virtual study – they will participate from home, without having to visit a clinic.

During 12 weeks, patients will receive access to one of the two apps, on their smartphone or tablet, and use it to complete 10 informational sessions, each approximately 60 minutes in length. The app also includes guided exercises and other interactive opportunities.

Expressive Writing for the Management of Stress in Cancer Survivors (NCT04776941)


All of the patients complete questionnaires (which take more than 30 minutes) about their mood, health, and income at the start of the study, and at one, three, and six months. Half of the patients read brief neutral messages and write essays about neutral topics over 30 minutes (nonstop) once weekly, for three weeks. The other half of the patients read brief messages with positive content and write essays, too, in the same conditions, but about their own experiences. Previous clinical trials support the use of expressive writing to improve quality of life in breast cancer survivors and favored improvements in cancer-related symptoms and fatigue levels in renal cell carcinoma. The current study investigates the effect of expressive writing specifically related to stress and aims to find out if this approach is equally effective as virtual, not in-person intervention. The researchers observe that the stress that most cancer survivors face “can be further exacerbated by social upheavals, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. For safety reasons, many patients are isolated with restricted access to in-person health care and reduced social interaction with family and friends. Together, with the economic uncertainties that come with this pandemic, these factors are likely to increase cancer survivors' stress levels. Expressive writing may provide a medium through which cancer survivors confront stressors and find meaning in their experience.”

Virtual Reality for GI Cancer Pain to Improve Patient Reported Outcomes (NCT04907643)







Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Latino Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers (NCT04870788)

This 60 participant interventional clinical trial conducted at the MD Anderson Cancer Center develops effective and appropriate mindfulness-based interventions that help meet the needs of Latino cancer patients and their family caregivers. Mindfulness-based interventions focus on building awareness of thoughts, emotions/feelings, and sensations. This study may help improve mental well-being and reduce stress and anxiety associated with having cancer or with a family member's cancer diagnosis. The primary objectives of the trial are to adapt a mindfulness-based intervention to improve psychological well-being in Latino patients with advanced cancer and their family caregivers, and to evaluate its feasibility in Latino patient-family caregiver dyads. The secondary objectives are to find out the effects of the adapted mindfulness techniques on patient and caregiver psychological distress, quality of life, and patient cancer symptoms, compared to a waitlist control.


Psychotherapy Intervention for Latinos With Adv Cancer (NCT04537936)

这项285人参与的研究的目的是调整一种名为 "以意义为中心的心理治疗 "的咨询干预措施,使其与拉美人的文化相关。这项研究将试图了解影响拉丁裔患者生活质量的因素以及如何改善生活质量。拉美裔常常因癌症而经历更大的挑战,然而很少有研究和干预措施关注这一群体的病人。





每月一次,Maia和Manju将花时间为我们的社区解读重要的研究试验、技巧和建议。请务必订阅 报名 with Fight CRC and join COLONTOWN’s online community to continue receiving the most relevant updates in the CRC world!

你也可以关注Maia (@sassycell) 和 Manju (@manjuggm) to stay updated on research and trials and visit ClinicalTrials.gov for more information on trials.

临床试验 对找到治愈结直肠癌的方法至关重要。作为一个致力于支持病人、护理人员和家庭社区并赋予其权力的宣传组织,抗击大肠癌协会已与下列机构合作 COLONTOWN to deliver a monthly blog series highlighting everything patients need to know about clinical trials and the best treatment options available.  In this series, we hope to cover promising trials that are enrolling, lessons learned from past research, logistics and resources to joining a clinical trial, and provide relevant and timely updates for our colon and rectal cancer community.