

(updated June 29, 2017) Today the Removing Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening Act, H.R. 1017, was reintroduced to the House’s 115th Congress. Reps. Charlie Dent (PA), Donald M. Payne, Jr. (NJ) and Leonard Lance (NJ), all members of Fight CRC’s Congressional Advisory Committee, are the original co-sponsors of the bill. The bill was introduced in support of a national effort by Fight CRC, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) and many other organizations and coalitions to see an unintended loophole in Medicare law removed that’s charging seniors unexpected fees when they receive a screening colonoscopy - a barrier preventing some from undergoing the procedure.

"每年,我们都会继续推动该法案的通过,因为结肠直肠癌对老年人的影响很大,"抗击儿童癌症组织主席安吉-戴维斯(Anjee Davis)说。"这是一种可以通过筛查预防的癌症。医疗保险(Medicare)患者在发现息肉时产生的额外费用阻碍了人们接受筛查。这不是我们的初衷,应该予以纠正"。


去年,该法案在众议院有 289 个共同提案国,比上一届国会法案的 158 个共同提案国有所增加。有了如此压倒性的支持,我们对今年通过该法案充满希望。再次提交法案意味着我们将从零开始,因此我们需要所有支持者的帮助,再次推动共同提案!

截至去年年底,众议院法案(H.R. 1220)共获得 289 个共同提案国(民主党 159 个,共和党 130 个)。在第 114 届国会中,参议院在 Sherrod Brown 参议员的推动下推出了一项配套法案(S. 624),该法案获得了 39 个共同提案国(30 个民主党、8 个共和党和 1 个独立提案国)的支持。共同提案人数量的增加表明了该法案的前景,卡文表示,如果支持率继续上升,该法案很可能被纳入其他类似主题的立法中。

Fight CRC worked alongside Senate leaders to get the bill re-introduced in the 115th Congress and strategizing with Congressional Advisory Committee leaders and advocates to educate incoming members on the importance of the bill and why their support is critical.

"该法案的共同提案人、众议院癌症核心小组共同主席查理-登特众议员(Charlie Dent,宾夕法尼亚州 15 岁)补充说:"我很自豪能与我的同事们一起提出这项立法,以纠正现行法律中的一个令人遗憾的缺陷,并通过鼓励更多人接受结直肠癌筛查来挽救生命。"消除结肠直肠癌筛查障碍法案》将免除医疗保险对结肠镜筛查的费用分担要求。如果考虑到这种预防性服务的费用相对较低,而大肠癌患者必须忍受广泛的癌症治疗和住院的高昂费用,显然该法案提供了一种常识性的、对财政负责的挽救生命的方法。

On March 15, Fight CRC advocates will asking lawmakers to support the Removing Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening Act both in-person as part of Call-on Congress and as part of Virtual Lobby Day.


Fight Colorectal Cancer (Fight CRC) is a national patient empowerment organization fighting for a cure. It was founded in 2005 by Nancy Roach, who navigated her mother-in-law through colorectal cancer treatment. Her passion spurred a national movement to rally colorectal cancer patients and their families to action. Known for activism, Fight CRC continues to grow and engage patient, academic, political, scientific, medical and nonprofit communities. With over one million colorectal cancer survivors in the USA, their mission is focused on advocacy, research, patient education and awareness. Their programs have have trained and supported thousands of advocates in every state and many others around the world. Fight CRC is a 4-star charity by Charity Navigator and 93 cents of every dollar donated goes directly to colorectal cancer programs.

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