
November is Family Health History Month. A family history of colorectal cancer can put one at a higher risk of the disease. Tracking and discussing a family's medical history is an important step in preventing colorectal cancer.

To support patients and their families, Fight Colorectal Cancer (Fight CRC) has released several resources:


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科罗拉多大学健康科学中心的 Lisen Axell, MS, CGC 将在播客中讨论如果无法讨论家族史该怎么办。通常情况下,收养、疏远或保密都会导致家族史的空白。即使在信息缺失的情况下,仍有办法预防罹患结直肠癌的风险。


在本次网络研讨会上,来自俄亥俄州综合癌症中心的医学顾问委员会成员、医学硕士、LGC Heather Hampel 解释了遗传性结直肠癌的多种亚型。她还解释了可能对家庭有用的基因检测类型,以及如何阅读和理解检测结果。 查看网络研讨会档案。

All resources are provided for free as part of Fight Colorectal Cancer's patient resources program. The webinar was made possible thanks to a sponsorship from Genentech.

With Thanksgiving in just a few weeks and a rapidly approaching holiday season, Fight CRC encourages all to use the resources and be prepared to discuss this important topic with family members and loved ones.

For more information, visit the 资源库。