Fight CRC推出新网站和 "我们做什么 "视频


2017年1月6日 -- 抗击结直肠癌组织(Fight Colorectal Cancer)推出了新网站,以满足日益壮大的倡导者群体的需求。网站的重新设计利用了最新的信息和技术,为搜索以下信息的用户提供最佳的在线体验 大肠癌治疗信息 和那些寻求机会 分享他们的故事, 与其他战士联系, 志愿者 和 采取行动.

Fight CRC redesigned the website to create a centralized online hub where patients can access reliable information on prevention, treatment and survivorship. The medically-reviewed content provides patients and caregivers with a robust 资源库 包括超过 75 种免费资源,所有资源均可按主题分类。新网站还为患者提供了提供反馈意见的途径,这将推动未来资源和计划的发展。

"Thanks to the generosity of donors, we have revamped our website to focus on empowering patients and their families with reliable information about colorectal cancer," said Anjee Davis, president of Fight CRC. "This was an important step forward for us as an organization in an effort to provide online benefits for our community. We know that patients and their family members are extremely active online. We wanted to update our tools to make sure that when they clicked over to, our website met their needs."

In addition to the new website, the organization has launched a new video titled "What We Do." The video shares a behind-the-scenes look at the true stories of survivors, caregivers, loved ones and medical professional's involvement with the nonprofit and what motivated them to get involved.

抗击 CRC 正在加紧开展三月--结直肠癌宣传月活动。要了解有关即将举行的活动的更多信息,请查看 活动日历.要参与其中,请探索以下所有方式 加入战斗.