不要告诉我如何 $%^&* 感受




摩尔斯普林菲尔德 (2015年10月17日)--有时候,一切都不会 "好起来"。在2016年10月的Taboo-ty播客中,抗击结直肠癌(Fight CRC)谈到了许多患者在抗癌过程中为 "装出一副快乐的面孔 "而感到的挣扎。科罗拉多州圣约瑟夫医院癌症支持服务主任、心理学博士 Jana Bolduan Lomax 是该节目的受访嘉宾。


“It’s OK to feel bad; it’s OK to feel scared; and it’s OK to be mad - in fact, trying to cover up those emotions isn’t always a great idea,” said Boulduan Lomax.

The podcast explains how cancer never happens at a good time for any patient, caregiver or friend. There’s a range of feelings that may follow, and all of them are normal. It’s important to accept feelings as they come and work toward honest communication within relationships for strong psychosocial health.

关于 Taboo-ty

Colorectal cancer patients are often faced with circumstances related to their disease that aren’t often or openly discussed and considered taboo. The Fight CRC podcast educational series is aimed at putting a stop to “taboo-ty” topics and creating a safe place to listen and learn about the latest information from reliable sources in the field.

The Taboo-ty podcast series is available for FREE. Listeners may subscribe to the podcast via iTunes, SoundCloud or any other podcast feed service.


Fight Colorectal Cancer is a community of activists who find it unacceptable that colorectal cancer - a preventable disease - is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. In 2005, we were founded by survivors and family members who believed in making a difference. Since then we have grown to be a leading, national nonprofit known for our advocacy. Our team plays an important role in making medical information practical for survivors and their families and provides trusted resources that guide patients from diagnosis through survivorship. We unite the colorectal cancer community by empowering anyone impacted by this disease to share their story, advocate for better policies and get involved in the research process. We are one million strong and we won't stop fighting until there's a cure.