


Maria Williams, Family Member/Friend of Patient

Ridgefield, Washington


It was 10 years ago when my best friend was diagnosed with colon cancer. She was a mom with two very young children at the time. I was her caregiver for the last few years of her life. We traveled many miles to chemo treatments, doctor's visits. She lost her eight-year battle just two years ago.

Her loss left a huge hole in my heart and the hearts of my family. My family and I continue to fight for her and for all the children whose parents have succumb to this disease.

I fight so that there will come a day when children do not have to lose their parents before they graduate preschool, elementary, junior or high school.

I never thought in a million years I would become an advocate, but that's exactly what I have become. I attended my first Call-On Congress five years ago, and have attended ever since. I guess you could say I was bitten by the advocacy bug. After losing my friend two years ago I became known as Belle's Maria. I am thankful for this endearing moniker. It has helped ease the pain of losing her.

I've found an advocacy home in Fight CRC and a huge family as result of the connections I've made. I am proud to say I have been a member of the Grassroots Action Committee (GAC) for the past three years.




我很自豪地说,我是一名资深的初级辩护律师,这是我第四次来到华盛顿特区和国会。从五岁起,我就和妈妈一起去 "山上"。我分享我的故事,其实也是我妈妈的故事。我妈妈最好的朋友贝儿阿姨对我和弟弟来说非常特别,我们每天都在想念她。Call-on-Congress 非常棒,因为我能够结交了解结直肠癌的新朋友。


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