认识一百万强 - 来自佐治亚州的 Susan B.




Susan Baggarly, survivor
Milledgeville, GA


In early 2013, I began having rectal pain and some bleeding. I thought that it was related to exercise, so I set up a visit with my gynecologist who ordered medication to treat what we believed to be hemorrhoids or a fissure.

When the symptoms didn’t improve a few months later, I was referred to a general surgeon who continued the medication for a while with no results.  In July 2013, I was referred to a colorectal surgeon in Macon, Georgia and Dr. Douglas Brewer performed a biopsy that lead to the discovery of my rectal cancer. I immediately started a six-week regime of radiation and oral chemotherapy. After those six weeks, I had a CT and PET scan which revealed that the cancer was no longer present.  In January 2014, I underwent surgery  that resulted in the placement of a temporary ileostomy while my body healed inside, and another round of chemo was ordered as a maintenance precaution.  Eight months later the ileostomy was reversed and at my most recent CT scan– nearly a year later - I am CANCER-FREE!


It's so important to know that there are others out there fighting for us impacted by this preventable disease - helping us find love and compassion through this battle!



4关于 "Meet the One Million Strong – Susan B. from Georgia "的想法

  1. 我住在桑德斯维尔,在被确诊为直肠癌二期之前一直在华夫饼屋工作。 布鲁尔医生也是我的外科医生。

  2. 仅供参考,大多数 CT 和 PET 扫描对核心转移癌患者没有帮助。在手术前,我和我的朋友都做了 CT 和 PET 扫描,结果显示没有任何癌症痕迹。.我是直肠癌 3 期,而我的一位好朋友是结肠癌 4 期,所以请不要依赖结肠癌的扫描结果。

    1. 很遗憾听到这个消息,帕姆。CT 和 PET 扫描是某些患者治疗计划的一部分,并且已经证明是有效的,但您的故事强调了筛查结直肠癌的重要性,尤其是在出现症状和体征时!

    2. 感谢您的建议。 我定于周二进行 CT 扫描。 我的化疗已经进行了一半。
