Meet the One Million Strong – Andy Avery from Tennessee


Meet Andy

Andy Avery, family member
Hickory Withe, Tennessee


Andy's Story

Hi folks, I'd like to share the story of my wife Beverly.

In March 2012 she was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer and had a tumor the size of a fist removed. Her surgery was followed by intense chemo for 12 treatments. She fought courageously while working her full-time job.

She began another round of chemo later that year. In 2013, doctors discovered her cancer was back and did a hysterectomy (minus the uterus) as it was involved and they feared making the cancer spread more. She had her 3rd round of chemo after surgery for another 12 treatments.

Doctors did more testing and found the treatments weren't doing much for the tumor so they tried introducing oral chemo. PET scans later showed the cancer was still there. They started a 4th round of chemo earlier this year and after the first treatment she was so sick she said she just couldn't do it anymore. It was the second time in 16 years of marriage that I saw her cry.

We removed the pump that night. She worked through this entire process until about March this year. We lost her April 16.

I don't say this to scare or warn anyone. I say it to encourage. She fought courageously and worked full-time. I told her several times that she "is a better man than I am." I applaud my baby, she fought long and hard! You can too if you're facing this mean disease. Remember Beverly's fight and fight in her memory, please? Never quit! She was a giver to anyone and all that came into her path. She gave even in her death. She donated her body to University of Tennessee in Memphis.

What One Million Strong means to Andy

一百万人的力量意味着还有很多工作要做。但是,这是一场可以战胜的战斗。请记住 你的 战斗。要知道,其他人已经战胜了这种癌症,许多人献出了自己的身体,以便科学界学习和培训医生和专家更好的治疗程序。我的妻子将自己的身体献给了科学,以求有所作为。也许你能从中受益或帮助他人。

Andy's Advice

奋斗,永不放弃!记住 你的 爱你的家人、孩子和配偶。你爱他们。上帝爱你,坚持住!

3关于 "Meet the One Million Strong – Andy Avery from Tennessee "的想法

  1. 亲爱的安迪,当我读到你令人心碎的故事时,我泪流满面。我今年 36 岁,在我母亲去世一周年之际,我被诊断出患有结肠直肠癌第四期。最小的8岁,然后是10岁和11岁。我已经厌倦了抗争。我有一个年轻的丈夫!

    1. 萨伊玛博士
