


患者 / 幸存者
Lincoln Park, New Jersey


I was diagnosed in July 2013 with stage IV at 59 years old. I had no symptoms until two days before when I had a pain in my right side. I do not remember very much, since I was rushed into surgery the next day to have a colon resection.

After six days in intensive care, I was released with five remaining spots on my liver. My next stop was to see an oncologist. I have received over 30 rounds of IV chemo over the last 3.5 years.

In 2014, I had surgery on my liver, using a newer procedure called the nano knife, to remove cancer that was near a vein to my heart and could not be cut out.

Over the last year I was on an IV drug, CPT 11, that really did help. However, as the treatments progressed, the harder it was for me to handle them without getting sick for up to six days. I am currently on an oral pill, which seems easier to allow me to maintain a good quality of life. It might sound trivial, but one of the hardest parts has been losing my hair three times.

I have faced the fact that I will be on some form of drugs for the rest of my life. The sad part is that this is a disease that can be prevented and cured with early detection, and my goal has always been to bring awareness to the importance of getting a colonoscopy to others.

I feel lucky that I have a husband and children, an extended family, and friends who have been by my side during this journey. That has been a key factor with dealing with this disease.



I appreciate things that I never really did before. I talk about my disease to others. I have a bucket list of "firsts" and I think the best thing I did was to go back to work and get out there everyday.

I decided from the beginning that I was not going to let this disease control me or get me down. And most of all you have to believe!


如果你受到大肠癌的影响,请通过以下方式加入 "百万坚强"。 分享你的故事!还有、 参与进来!支持治疗!

2关于 "Meet the One Million Strong- Deborah Keraitis from New Jersey "的想法

  1. 如果您愿意,请与我分享一些替代疗法。我患有第四期结肠癌,一直在接受结肠、肝脏和淋巴结手术。我紧紧抓住上帝,上帝也紧紧抓住我。我是一个非常乐观的人,但如果没有伴侣,有时我会感到气馁。我想坚持下去,让我的子孙后代继续看到我积极向前的证据!他们说我很了不起,我的一位肿瘤医生说我是一个坚强的人!我想一直陪伴和享受这些小孙子,直到他们长大成人!
    感谢您提供的任何帮助。RuthAnn Bromfield 2017 年 6 月 8 日

  2. 你好,德博拉
    感谢您的分享我从 2006 年开始成为第四期癌症患者,最初我接受了结肠切除手术,在同一次医疗手术中,外科医生从我的肝脏中切除了几个肿瘤。2009 年,同一位外科医生又从我的右肺中切除了一个小肿瘤。从那时起,我就没有了疾病的迹象(NED)。我把一切都归功于上帝。如果你愿意,我可以与你分享我在这段时间里所做的一些替代疗法。
