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患者和幸存者 I期结肠癌 爱达荷州

故事。 "I was having a lot of bleeding and passing out. I went to the ER, and I found out then that I had colon cancer. I had to have a bowel resection and have a colostomy because of it. I did one round of chemo and 12 months of radiation. I still need CT scans to make sure the cancer doesn't come back."

建议。 "Stay focused on why you should stay strong and keep positive. Is there someone that is special to you that you know you need to stay strong to keep doing things with them?"


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患者/生还者 第三期结肠癌

David Coulter

患者/生还者 第三期直肠癌

Ashlyn Carter

Side Effects, Fatigue, Rectal bleeding or blood in stool, Other (please explain)
患者的家庭成员 血亲 第三期结肠癌

Liliana Bolaños

Side Effects, Fatigue, Rectal bleeding or blood in stool, Ongoing change in bowel habits, Stomach cramps/bloating/fullness, Anemia/low iron