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患者和幸存者 第四期结肠癌 伊利诺伊州

故事。 "On Christmas Day 2019, I had a heart attack. Part of the treatment was taking a blood thinner. That caused or made the blood in my stool more prevalent. I received the cancer diagnosis in February 2020. I had a colon resection in April 2020. There were complications with the surgery because I had sepsis, and I was not expected to make it through the night. I was in therapy for two months before I could start treatments. I was told it was stage IV and had spread to my liver. The doctors said I have two and a half years. With support from family, friends, and my care team, I am going to smash that prognosis."

建议。 "在我确诊前四年(当时我 48 岁),我的初级保健医生让我做结肠镜检查。我拒绝了。如果您快到 40 岁了,请与您的初级保健医生谈谈,评估一下您的风险,尤其是如果您的家族中有病史的话。大多数保险公司允许在 45 岁时进行筛查。了解清楚后去做。如果您已经 50 岁了,那就太固执了。所以,当我说结肠镜检查比癌症更糟糕时,我可以用经验来说话。

"你并不孤单。沟通是关键 -- 与你的护理团队交流。有问题就问,让他们解释直到你明白为止。与家人交流,让他们知道发生了什么。心情不好也没关系,只要知道你并不孤单"。


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患者/生还者 第三期结肠癌

David Coulter

患者/生还者 第三期直肠癌

Ashlyn Carter

Side Effects, Fatigue, Rectal bleeding or blood in stool, Other (please explain)
患者的家庭成员 血亲 第三期结肠癌

Liliana Bolaños

Side Effects, Fatigue, Rectal bleeding or blood in stool, Ongoing change in bowel habits, Stomach cramps/bloating/fullness, Anemia/low iron