

Theresa Maschke于2021年5月加入抗癌联盟团队,担任内容撰稿人,将她对写作和编辑的热爱与她作为直肠癌第三期幸存者的丈夫Joe的护理经验相结合。特蕾莎曾就读于天普大学,并以优异的成绩毕业,获得通信学学士学位。

特蕾莎撰写Fight CRC博客文章和电子邮件,并协助在Facebook上进行社区参与。

After dipping her toes into the advocacy pool, Theresa grabbed Joe to jump in fully with her after seeing the impact of sharing their story in creating awareness, supporting state bills, and action taken by Senator Booker on the national level in support of colorectal cancer. No one fights alone, and nowhere is that more evident than in her daily work alongside her beloved Fight CRC team. She appreciates the colorectal cancer community and has found her people.

In her spare time in summer, Theresa enjoys gardening, growing vegetables and herbs, and spending time in the backyard. In winter, she indulges in Real Housewives, travels endlessly to her daughter’s volleyball practices and tournaments, and enjoys hibernating with her husband Joe; three kids Elizabeth, Joey, and Caroline; and dog Buddy.