



由于围绕COVID-19存在许多不确定因素,我们联系了MD安德森的Scott Kopetz博士,医学博士,FACP,以提供他对临床试验的患者在未来几周和几个月可以期待什么的想法,以及它最终会如何影响治疗过程。 


For a full overview on colon and rectal cancer and coronavirus sure to 阅读更多!

根据 STAT新闻据报道,这种新型冠状病毒可能会影响超过三分之一的临床试验基地。可能影响典型试验操作的障碍包括试验点关闭、供应链中断和试验点人员感染COVID-19。 

Additionally, those running clinical trials are concerned that due to quarantines or not wanting to leave their homes and travel to a site, patients will be less likely to enroll in a new clinical trial, or that patients already enrolled will be more likely to drop out.

Recognizing the challenges that the coronavirus may cause, the Food and Drug Association (FDA) released a guidance statement on COVID-19 for clinical trial sites on March 19, 2020. Their recommendations stress that the main goal of trial sites should be the safety of all trial participants. Knowing that sites will likely encounter a range of difficulties, the FDA suggested the following:

  • 让病人了解任何和所有的变化。
  • 试验主办方可以根据安全性决定继续/中止试验。
  • 探索其他的访问方法(电话/虚拟)。是否有必要当面访问?
  • 对于那些不能进入试验的人,应该有额外的安全监测。
  • 记录一切!替代过程,导致研究变化的限制,谁和谁的病人受到了影响,并描述任何缺失的数据。
  • 如果任何试验方案发生变化,研究机构应尽快与机构审查委员会(IRB)接触。
  • 考虑虚拟评估;是否有收集标本的替代方法?
  • 制定政策和程序,说明COVID-19期间管理研究的方法。


2020年5月1日 - 某些公司开始在卫生部门允许继续招募的地方逐一开始临床试验招募,包括新的研究。这是基于这样的观察,即疾病负担在各州甚至各县内都不尽相同。

Many pharmaceutical companies are continuing clinical trials for patients that have already been enrolled but pausing additional recruitment for the time being and/or delaying the start of new trials. Other companies are making exceptions for trials that target patients with life-threatening diseases who have no additional treatment options, and others are continuing to recruit new patients that meet specific criteria. 

Last week, James Doroshow, MD- a Senior Investigator at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) spoke on the NCI Board of Scientific Advisors meeting and said that clinical trial enrollment has fallen off between 30  to 50 percent for a range of government-sponsored clinical trials.

2020年4月17日 - In response to the effects COVID-19 has had on clinical trials, the NCI has begun to make modifications in the last two weeks including:

  • 病人的护理可以转移到其他地点(所以病人不需要在试验中旅行治疗)。
  • 当地医疗机构可以提供监督
  • 为病人运送药片,而不是让病人来取药
  • 允许当地医疗机构提供输液、收集生物样本和进行实验室工作 


由于冠状病毒的消息每天都在变化,我们将继续更新我们的资源,为您带来最及时和相关的信息。我们知道这是一个前所未有的时代,但Fight CRC和我们的医疗界将继续为您服务。