
患者 / 幸存者

Monroe, New York


I was diagnosed stage IV colon cancer on Jan. 28, 2013. I had metastasis to my liver, lungs, as well as activity in adrenal lymph nodes. I was treated with chemo and surgery followed by more chemo. I was treated by an excellent staff at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

I recently had a scan, and this is my third year cancer-free.我将自然疗法和顺势疗法补充医学融入了我的生活。我有幸存者的负罪感,但我知道我在这里是因为我有希望!


Be your own advocate, seek as much knowledge as you can about your diagnosis and different treatments, so you can make the most informed decisions about your treatment. Your doctor is great but not perfect.

My doctors at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center welcomed my second opinion from the cancer treatment center. I learned a lot of important info from the center, but decided Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center was the right place for me.

3关于 "Meet the One Million Strong- Elizabeth Navarra from New York "的想法

  1. 你好,伊丽莎白、

    我丈夫的癌症已经到了第四期,肝脏和肺部都有转移,肾上腺淋巴结也有活动。 然而,他被告知不适合做手术。 您能否分享一下您做了哪种手术,以及您是否认为手术对您的成功有帮助? 我们正在考虑来纽约寻求第二意见。 另外,您能告诉我们您的医疗团队的名字吗? 谢谢

  2. 查尔斯、伊丽莎白
    去年 2016 年 3 月,我被诊断为结肠癌三期。我接受了双结肠切除术,并在 2016 年 10 月结束了 12 轮化疗。2017 年 1 月宠物扫描显示转移至腹部和肝脏。目前,本周四将接受 #8 治疗。



  3. 我喜欢你的评论:你的医生很棒,但并不完美。

    自 2006 年以来,我一直是 IV 期癌症患者。癌症最初发生在肝脏,三年后右肺又长了一个很小的肿瘤。从那时起,我改变了一些饮食习惯,结果是没有任何疾病迹象(NED)。这一切都要感谢上帝。我把营养和运动作为对抗癌症的主要替代疗法。
