


抗击结直肠癌,与我们的 医学顾问委员会, has taken the time to break down colorectal cancer treatment by stage, which includes both colon cancer treatment by stage and rectal cancer treatment by stage. For detailed information about stage III and stage IV colon and rectal cancer treatment, check out Your Guide in the Fight.


Patients diagnosed with stage 0 and stage I colon cancer are highly likely to be cured (>90% cure rate) by a procedure (polypectomy) or surgery (colon resection) that removes the cancerous polyps or tumor.


Surgery or polypectomy is usually the only recommended treatment for stage 0 colon cancer.

  • 息肉切除术 - 在结肠镜检查中捕捉和切除含有癌症的息肉
  • 局部切除 - 在结肠镜检查中 "零碎地 "切除平坦的结肠生长物
  • 开腹手术 — remove cancer, part of colon, and nearby lymph nodes in high-risk situations


For stage I colon cancer, surgery is often the only recommended initial treatment. It will typically be either:

  • 结肠切除术(切除) — removal of all or part of your colon through an incision or incisions (laparoscopic surgeries often require several small incisions while open surgery is usually done using a single, larger incision).
  • 腹腔镜结肠切除术 - 外科医生在你的腹部做几个小切口,通过这些小切口,他们将一个微小的摄像头和工具送入你的结肠。



  • 通过肛门进行局部切除
  • 低位前切除术(LAR),适用于直肠内足够高的肿瘤,允许将结肠或直肠与肛门重新连接(吻合)。
  • Abdominoperineal resection with permanent colostomy when the distance between tumor and anus is too short to allow safe anastomosis (reconnection).

Tumor Imaging

Endorectal ultrasound (a procedure where an ultrasound probe is inserted into the rectum), MRI scans, or CT scans are commonly used to make images of rectal tumors to assess the depth of tumor invasion and whether there are signs of lymph node invasion by the tumor. If the tumor has invaded through the rectal wall or has spread to lymph nodes it is not a Stage I tumor and its treatment is covered elsewhere.


If the tumor has gone through the outer layer of the rectum (T3) or there are cancer cells in lymph nodes (N1 or N2), then preoperative chemotherapy and 化疗 may be recommended to reduce the size of the tumor and increase the likelihood of avoiding a permanent colostomy. In some cases, chemotherapy and/or chemoradiotherapy (if no radiation was administered before surgery) may be recommended after surgery as well. This is generally done when the tumor is felt to have progressed beyond Stage I based on examination and tumor imaging.


For some stage I rectal cancers, there may be the option to watch and wait after removal of the tumor via a polypectomy or after a surgical procedure where the tumor is removed through the anus when that is possible. In all cases surveillance for local or distant tumor recurrence is critical so that any recurrence can be addressed quickly and examinations and/or imaging is often done every 3-6 months for several years.



  • 开放式结肠切除术 — when a surgeon makes a long incision in your abdomen so that they can access and remove a portion of your colon
  • 腹腔镜结肠切除术 — when a surgeon makes a few small incisions in your abdomen through which they pass a tiny camera and tools to access and remove a portion of your colon


The potential benefits of treatment of node-negative stage II colon cancer with 化学治疗 after surgery is controversial. While surgery to remove the tumor in the colon is universally accepted as an initial treatment, the value of chemotherapy after that surgery (adjuvant chemotherapy) to keep cancer from recurring (coming back) has been tested in many trials and the outcome has shown that it does not improve outcomes except in some cases which are judged to carry a higher risk of recurrence. New techniques such as blood tests looking for circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) are being tested to help determine the risk for recurrence and to help doctors to determine if chemotherapy after surgery may be warranted.


经常有 临床试验 available for stage II colon cancer patients.



  • Chemotherapy and/or Chemoradiation before surgery
  • 腹部手术
  • 辅助性化疗


  • 如果他们的肿瘤没有通过直肠壁或扩散到淋巴结,则无需进一步治疗
  • 如果有穿墙(T3)或进入淋巴结(N1或N2)的扩散,则要重新考虑辅助化疗和化放疗。




Most stage III colon cancer patients will receive a recommendation of surgery, followed by chemotherapy.


Patients who are able to tolerate combination chemotherapy that includes Oxaliplatin (Eloxatin®) are often prescribed:

  • Folfox - 输液5-FU(氟尿嘧啶)、亮菌甲素和奥沙利铂联合治疗
  • CapeOx — combination treatment with capecitabine (a chemotherapy pill similar to 5-FU) and oxaliplatin.


Patients who have medical reasons not to use combination chemotherapy may be prescribed chemotherapy with a single drug:

  • Xeloda® (卡培他滨) — an oral “prodrug” which is converted to 5-FU in the tissues
  • 5-FU和Leucovorin — an intravenous chemotherapy drug given with a vitamin (leucovorin) that enhances the effect of 5-FU.



If surgery reveals the tumor has spread outside the colon so that the tumor extends into other tissues such as the lining of the abdomen (the peritoneum), follow-up radiation may be recommended. 辐射 is not a routine treatment for stage III colon cancer.


经常有 可提供的临床试验 为III期结肠癌。


Most stage III rectal cancer patients will receive a recommendation that their tumor be treated with a combination of chemotherapy, chemoradiation, and 外手术.


For stage III rectal cancer patients who are medically fit and can tolerate combined methods of therapy, treatment can consist of chemoradiation (chemotherapy and radiation) before surgery (adjuvant therapy), abdominal surgery, and/or adjuvant chemotherapy after surgery. When chemotherapy and/or radiation are administered before surgery this approach is known as neoadjuvant therapy. In some cases, doctors will recommend total neoadjuvant therapy where a full course of chemotherapy and radiation are administered prior to surgery. In other cases, chemotherapy may be recommended without radiation and radiation may be reserved for after surgery in cases with high-risk features in their tumors noted when the pathologist examines the surgical specimen.


For a list of chemoradiation options, adjuvant chemotherapy options, and adjuvant chemotherapy options (a “sandwich” of chemo-chemoradiation-chemo), download 你在战斗中的指南.



  • 低位前部切除术(LAR)
  • 腹股沟切除术(APR)

Medically reviewed by Dr. Richard Goldberg, Director Emeritus, West Virginia University Cancer Institute, 3/24/2024 


Treatment for stage IV or recurrent colorectal cancer is complex, and generally requires consultation with medical, surgical and radiological doctors.




  • 部分肝切除术 - 也被称为肝脏切除术,这种手术旨在切除肝脏中的肿瘤。
  • 肺转移瘤切除术 - 一种手术,将已转移到肺部的肿瘤切除。
  • 化疗栓塞手术 - 有时被称为经动脉化疗栓塞术(TACE),它是一种栓塞手术(一种减少肝脏血流的手术)和化疗的结合。
  • 腹腔内高热化疗 - 又称HIPEC,这种手术是在腹腔内注入加热的化疗药物。



  • Capox或Xelox - 卡培他滨(Xeloda®)加奥沙利铂(Eloxatin®)。卡培他滨是一种口服药物,在癌细胞内的作用方式与5-FU相同。
  • Folfox - 5-FU、奥沙利铂(Eloxatin®)和白藜芦醇。
  • 芙菲丽 - 5-FU、伊立替康(Camptosar®)和Leucovorin



  • 5-FU加白藜芦醇,含或不含贝伐单抗(Avastin®)。
  • 卡培他滨(Xeloda®)与或不与贝伐珠单抗(Avastin®)一起使用

单独使用capectiabine (Xeloda®)治疗,只应被认为是不适合使用奥沙利铂(Eloxatin®)或伊立替康(Camptosar®)等更积极的联合治疗方案的特定患者的合理选择。






免疫疗法利用一个人的免疫系统的某些部分来对抗疾病。结直肠癌的免疫疗法已被证明对具有某种生物标志物、微卫星不稳定性(MSI)或错配修复缺陷(MMR)的一小部分病人有效。 所有结直肠癌患者都应该知道他们的 MSI/MMR状态!

Pembrolizumab (Keytruda ®)


Nivolumab (Opdivo ®)


伊匹木单抗 (Yervoy®)


Colorectal cancer treatment by stage can be straightforward in the early stages, but it can become incredibly complicated once the cancer progresses.

NCCN 患者指南

国家综合癌症网络是一个 "非营利性的中心联盟,制定实践指南以帮助做出明智的治疗决定"。NCCN Guidelines for Patients®是易于理解的资源,可以帮助你做出治疗决定。