

Did you know your poop is telling you something? This flyer is designed to educate patients about their poop, explaining the different types of poop according to the Bristol Stool Chart, and what each number means. It’s a window and a first step into digestive health.

This flyer also explains when it’s time to talk to a doctor and offers tips on having healthier poop.

A QR code driving to Fight CRC’s 大肠癌筛查小测验 offers users a quick way to get even more clarity about their colon health and find out if they’re at risk for colorectal cancer.

This flyer is available as an 8.5x11 digital download from FightCRC.org.

Medical review by Derek W Ebner, MD, Mayo Clinic Rochester, Advanced GI Neoplasia, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 

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