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Maria Carr

Patients & Survivors Stage I Colon Cancer Illinois
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Maria's Story

Five years ago, I was diagnosed with uterine and kidney cancer. The spot on my kidney was discovered with a CT scan. I had a complete hysterectomy and an ablation to remove the very small spot on the outside of my left kidney.

Last year when I went for my CT scan to make sure that my kidneys were still cancer free, a thickening in my colon was discovered. I had had a colonoscopy two years prior and everything was fine. A colonoscopy was scheduled and a biopsy was taken.

The results indicated that I did indeed have a tumor in the transverse area of my colon. Since this was a third cancer diagnosis in four years time, I had genetic testing done.

I have Lynch syndrome with the MSH6 gene being mutated. Because I have the mutated gene, it was decided that I would have all but three inches of my colon removed. I am currently cancer free, but am under the care of an oncologist with scans every six months.

My youngest sister also has Lynch syndrome and has precancerous polyps. Her oldest daughter also has Lynch syndrome. I have several family members on my father's side of the family that have been diagnosed with cancers related to Lynch syndrome.

My father passed away in 1985 at the age of 62 after his third cancer diagnosis. I have also lost one sister to lung cancer, but she was on drugs to prevent her body from rejecting a kidney transplant.

Maria's Advice

I literally begged my youngest sister to get genetic testing since she had had uterine and breast cancer. I contacted my brother and other sister and both set up genetic testing right away, but I still feel that they should have colonoscopies done on a regular basis even though they do not have Lynch.

I have not been successful with getting my own children to get genetic testing done, but my son did have a colonoscopy done shortly after my diagnosis, and he is fine with no polyps. My daughter has been told that she needs to get her colonoscopy scheduled and my oldest grand-daughter has also been told that she will now have to start being monitored.

I was shocked that three years ago, my colonoscopy was clean and within two years I developed an 8.1 cm tumor.

Take each day one at a time. Don't be afraid to seek out help, and don't let this cancer beat you.

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