Home Blog Champion Stories Meet the One Million Strong- Darin Hosier from Washington Meet the One Million Strong- Darin Hosier from Washington March 18, 2017 • By Intern@FightCRC Champion Stories Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share on Twitter Copy this URL Share via Email Meet Darin Darin Hosier, Survivor/Patient Bellevue, Washington Darin's Story I could not shake this pain I had in my back in Oct. 2012 when I was 46. I thought I might have a slipped disc. Later, I experienced severe abdominal pain which led me to a walk-in clinic, then the journey began. Diverticulitis? Seemed to be the initial thought. They were wrong. It was stage IV colon cancer. The cancer was in my colon, pelvis, 2 lymph nodes, surface of liver and microscopically in the peritoneum. Sigmoid tumor removed followed by 12 infusions of Folfox and Avastin. Months prior to HIPEC September 2013, I gained 26 pounds in 6 weeks to prepare for the inevitable weight loss after HIPEC. 2 months after HIPEC 8 more Folfox infusions / 4 with Avastin and neulasta. I had emergency surgery for scar tissue removal Oct. 2014. One must be careful after HIPEC, since long scars can open in places. Mine did, after it was treated and had to heal from within. This caused the dangerous scar tissue inside my body. Please note that even with a pillow strapped around your stomach, a small dog can still find a way to use your stomach as a launching pad! Not one of my best moments. I have had no evidence of disease since HIPEC. I wear my 12-inch scar with pride. I have never felt so loved. I am so fortunate and lucky to be enveloped in love and support and to be able to work and support myself. I could not ask for a better family, group of friends, partner and puppies! Darin's Advice Allow yourself to feel any and all emotions in real time.