Home Blog Champion Stories Meet Ambassador Susan Kessler Meet Ambassador Susan Kessler March 13, 2019 • By Elizabeth@FightCRC Champion Stories Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share on Twitter Copy this URL Share via Email Susan Kessler Caregiver Arkansas "My mother starting having symptoms when she was 37. She eventually insisted that she be given a colonoscopy. She was found to have stage IV rectal cancer and was given one year to live. My dad and I were her primary caregivers during this very difficult time. She died one year after her diagnosis. My two sisters and I have been diligent about screening. Both of my sisters have had the same polyp as our mother had while they were under the age of 40. My 22 year old has had three colonoscopies. Two when he was under the age of seven due to blood in his stool and one he had just this year, resulted in the discovery of flat sessile polyp in his large intestine. Many colorectal cancers are slow growing, and if we can catch them early we will save lives."