Home Blog Champion Stories Meet Ambassador Allison Rosen Meet Ambassador Allison Rosen March 24, 2019 • By Elizabeth@FightCRC Champion Stories Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share on Twitter Copy this URL Share via Email Allison Rosen Survivor Texas "When you are in your 30’s and loving life, cancer is the last thing on your mind. I was already having colonoscopies every year or so as routine maintenance for my Crohn's disease. I had put off my scope in 2012 because I was just too busy. It wasn’t until I felt like my food was stuck inside me and my bowel habits had been noticeably different that I reached out to my doctor. We decided it was time to schedule my scope. On June 7, 2012, I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer and my life as I knew it was changed forever. The irony of it all was that I worked in cancer research and had been doing so for seven years. I was all too familiar with what people had to go through when fighting cancer. The years that followed were truly a test in perseverance and emotional strength. It tested my mind and body in ways I never knew possible. The positive in all of this is that I can now say five years after my initial surgery that I am cancer free and living life to the fullest."