Home English Colorectal Cancer Under Age 50 Colorectal Cancer Under Age 50 Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share on Twitter Copy this URL Share via Email Why is there a rise in “under 50” cases and what’s a cure going to take? What about screening those under age 50? What are the risks and what role does family history play? Watch this panel that was part of Fight Colorectal Cancer's One Million Strong Showcase on April 1, 2016 at the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum. This panel, and the evening, was part of the One Million Strong Collection. The panel was moderated by: Dr. Dennis Ahnen, M.D. Danielle Burgess, two-time survivor Panel participants included: Dr. William J. Harb, M.D. Heather Herrmann, M.S., LCGC Dr. Harvey Murff, M.D, MPH Watch the Video on YouTube