与梅奥合作开展 #StrongArmSelfie 运动




打出 "强心针",发帖提高对第二大癌症杀手的认识

弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市 - 2015年2月23日 - 为了提高人们的认识,鼓励筛查和团结超过一百万的疾病幸存者,抗击结直肠癌和梅奥诊所创建了#StrongArmSelfie社交媒体运动。该活动要求个人在社交媒体上公开发布一张自己弯曲 "强壮手臂 "的照片,从而提高人们的认识和资金。每张贴一张带有#StrongArmSelfie标签的照片,拜耳医药保健公司将为抗击结直肠癌捐赠$1。


ǞǞǞ #StrongArmSelfie page houses the photos feeding from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, Google+ and Flickr. It also offers links to content from Mayo Clinic with information on the signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer, a video from Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist Paul Limburg, M.D., M.P.H., on screening options and resources available to patients.

“Nearly 50,000 people die from colorectal cancers each year, but it’s actually quite preventable,” said Dr. Limburg. “We’re pleased to participate in this campaign with Fight Colorectal Cancer and encourage screening and prevention. Colon cancer screening is highly effective and there are many options. We want everyone to know that the best screening test is simply the one that gets done.”

“We are so energized by this project with Mayo Clinic for March - Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month,” said Anjee Davis, president of Fight CRC. “We feel very fortunate to have this opportunity to join forces via social media. We know that together we’ll be able to reach patients and their families with an extraordinarily important message about strength and prevention of colorectal cancer.”


  • 结肠直肠癌是2 在美国与癌症有关的死亡的主要原因。
  • 大肠癌是可以预防的。有几种筛查方案。
  • 每3个50岁及以上的成年人中就有1人没有接受过筛查。
  • 估计2015年将有132,700人被诊断出来。
  • 90%早期发现的癌症的生存率。
  • 超过一百万的幸存者生活在美国。
  • 风险因素包括:酒精;吸烟;肥胖;饮食和营养不良;家族史。
  • 预防包括:筛查;定期锻炼;水果、蔬菜和全谷物饮食;健康体重;限制红肉。


Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization committed to medical research and education, and providing expert, whole-person care to everyone who needs healing. Mayo Clinic’s digestive diseases program is one of the largest, most integrated programs in the world. With more than 100 specialists working together to treat virtually every gastrointestinal condition and disease, the depth and breadth of its practice is what positions 梅奥诊所 to be consistently ranked as the nation’s top gastroenterology and GI surgery program by 美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S. News and World Report)。.


Fight Colorectal Cancer is a leading colorectal cancer nonprofit in Washington, D.C. Through patient education, advocacy and research funding the group spreads awareness and demands a cure for the second-leading killer in the United States. As the leading advocacy group, the organization serves as a resource for colorectal cancer patients, grassroots advocates, policy makers, medical professionals and health care providers.

关于 "Partnering with Mayo for #StrongArmSelfie Campaign "的一个想法

  1. 如果人们在患有晚期直肠癌时能够因为胃肠病医生的帮助而避免接受手术,那么更多的人应该得到他们的帮助。他们将能够告诉人们做事情的最佳方式和好方法。他们甚至会带着病人一步一步地完成整个事情。这样一来,他们就不必自己动手了。
